I'm in the process of attempting to use the camera and some motion tracking AS3 classes to detect movement in front of a ViewSonic Smart Display, for the sake of a demo. I've gotten the app and detection to function on other Android devices, but the 'Smart Display' is presenting me with some odd issues.
Taking a long shot that someone might've encountered this, but this is the very simple camera set up code I reduced the issue down to:
var camera = Camera.getCamera();
camera.setMode(stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight, 30, true);
var video:Video = new Video(stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight);
My problem lies at the point of "video.attachCamera" For some reason, this device takes this function as "Display the video in a tiny window in the upper right hand corner" and ignores all other code, dominating the screen with blank black, and a tiny (maybe 40x20px square) of video stream.
Image of it occuring...
Any help is much appreciated, thanks