I've a color list file I read it into a python list and I'd like to create one (or several) image(s) composed by squares with background color read from file and as foreground html string of the color (written with white). I.e. I read #ff0000 from input file then I create a 100x100 square with red background and a white string "#ff0000" as foreground...and so on for each color in input file.
This is my script:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from gimpfu import *
def readColors(ifc):
"""Read colors from input file and return a python list with all them"""
a = []
fd = open(ifc,"r")
for i in fd:
if not i.startswith("//"):#skip comment lines
return a
def rgb2html(col):
"""Converts a color: from (255,255,255) to #ffffff"""
r,g,b = col
return "#%x%x%x" % (r,g,b)
def html2rgb(col):
"""Converts a color: from #ffffff to (255,255,255)"""
return r,g,b
def nextColor():
"""Gets next html color from color list"""
col = nextColor.array[nextColor.counter]
nextColor.counter +=1
return col
def isNextColor():
"""Is there another color or list is over?"""
return nextColor.counter<isNextColor.colorslenght
def isPageEnded(y,YSIZE):
"""Is there enough room to draw another square?"""
return (y+100)>=YSIZE
def newPage(XSIZE,YSIZE):
"""Returns a new image"""
return gimp.Image(XSIZE,YSIZE,RGB)
def createImage(color,text):
"""Draws a square filled with color and white color text. It works!"""
gimp.set_foreground((255,255,255))#text color
gimp.set_background(color) #background color
image = gimp.Image(100,100,RGB)
back = gimp.Layer(image,"font",100,100,RGB_IMAGE,100,NORMAL_MODE)
lay = back.copy()
lay.name = "font"
lay = pdb.gimp_text_fontname(image,None,2,100/4,text,2,True,18,PIXELS,"Sans")
image.merge_down(lay, NORMAL_MODE)
return image
def drawRect(image,x,y):
"""Here I'd like to copy the result of createImage at current x,y position of current image. It doesn't work!"""
text = nextColor()
color = html2rgb(text)
img = createImage(color,text)
drawable = pdb.gimp_image_active_drawable(image)
pdb.gimp_image_select_rectangle(image, 2, x, y, 100, 100)
if pdb.gimp_edit_named_copy_visible(img, "buffer"):
floating_sel = pdb.gimp_edit_named_paste(drawable, "buffer", TRUE)
gimp.Display(image)#to debug
def savePage(image,directory,filename):
"""Saves composed image to filename"""
drawable = pdb.gimp_image_active_drawable(image)
pdb.file_png_save(image, drawable, directory+"\\"+filename, filename, 0,9,1,0,0,1,1)
def draw(ifile,savedir,prefix):
"""Main method. it manage page's room, slicing it in several 100x100 squares"""
YSIZE = 1000
XSIZE = 1000
x = y = pc = 0
colorArray = readColors(ifile)
nextColor.counter = 0
nextColor.array = colorArray
isNextColor.colorslenght = len(colorArray)
image = newPage(XSIZE,YSIZE)
x += 100 # move to next column
if x+100>=XSIZE:#move to next row
x = 0
y += 100
if isPageEnded(y,YSIZE):
gimp.Display(image)#to debug
pc += 1
image = newPage(XSIZE,YSIZE)
x = 0
y = 0
savePage(image,savedir,prefix+str(pc)+".png")#save last page
ifc = '<path to color list file>\\colors.txt'
ofc = '<path to output directory>\\palette'
prefix = 'table' #prefix for each file(i.e.: table0.png, table1.png...)
draw(ifc,ofc,prefix) #main method call
My current problem is with drawRect method. I can't copy image returned by createImage method at coords x,y of bigger image in drawRect method. In drawRect method I tried to used gimp's "copy into selection": select an area, and paste in it stuff copied from another image. But I have a trouble with layers and I can't get image copied at right position.
Just for completeness this are few lines from ifc file:
Thanks in advance for any help.