I made codes in c++, for encryption and decryption. first code creates an output in vector and then write it in a file by using fwrite, and the second reads that output from the first by using fread. Here is the snippet of my codes :
1st code :
string a;
vector<long long int> c;
cout << "message to be encrypted = ";
cin >> a;
cout << endl;
cout << "Encrypted message : ";
for (i=0;i<a.size();i++)
cout << x << " ";
for (i=0;i<c.size();i++)
//cout << char(c.at(i));
cout << endl;
//Write ciphertext c to a file
FILE * pWrite;
pWrite = fopen ("ciphertext", "w");
fwrite (&c , sizeof(c), 1, pWrite);
fclose (pWrite);
The output is :
message to be encrypted = test
Encrypted message : 116 101 115 116
And then the 2nd code :
//Read Ciphertext from ciphertext
FILE * pRead2;
pRead2 = fopen ("ciphertext", "r");
fread (&c , sizeof(c), 1, pRead2);
//cout << "ciphertext is " << c << endl;
// Decryption
cout << "Decrypted message : ";
for (i=0;i<c.size();i++)
cout << powerMod(c.at(i),d,n) << " " ;
cout << endl;
But it return :
Segmentation Fault(Core Dumped)
I appreciate any help, since I don't know where is the problem, in the fwrite or in the fread. But I think the problem is in the 2nd, when it tries to read the ciphertext (which is a vector), because if I erase that lines, the program is running perfectly, but without decrypting the message.