When running the code below, the function "gdp" does not solve for a few estimations, which is fine, but the loop stops at the first error. What do I need to include in the code so that the loop continues to conclusion even if there is an estimation error in one of the included functions?
for(i in mars){
for(j in 1:5){
negRets <- -table1.matrix[,j]
tauSigma <- gpd(negRets,threshold=i)
tau <- tauSigma$par.ests[1]
sigma <- tauSigma$par.ests[2]
#cat("For ", reitPort[j], "portfolio and MAR=", i, "the parameter estimats are:", "\n")
#cat("Tau= ", tau, "Sigma= ", sigma, "\n")
exceedence.vector <- sort(subset(negRets, negRets > i))
returns.sorted <- sort(negRets)
pdf(paste("C:\\Users\\John Broussard\\Dropbox\\evtHandbookProject\\figuresTables\\mar_",i,"_",reitPort[j],".pdf",sep=""))
plot(returns.sorted, dgpd(returns.sorted, xi = tau, beta = sigma), type ="l", col="blue", ylim=c(0,90))
title(main=cat("Tau= ", tau, " Sigma= ", sigma), ylab=" ")