// This is the byte array declared in the third party libraries
// that stores data sent back from the external hardware
byte comm_buf[201];
/* I send data to hardware, comm_buf gets filled */
// Printing out the received data via a second serial line to which
// I have a serial monitor to see the data
for (int i = 0; i <= 50; i++) {
// This is printed via the second monitoring serial connection (without spaces)
13 10 43 67 82 69 71 58 32 48 44 51 13 10 13 10 79 75 13 10 00
// It is the decimal ascii codes for the following text
+CREG: 0,3
byte comm_buf[201];
/* I send data to hardware, comm_buf gets filled */
if (comm_buf[] == "CREG: 0,3" ) {
// do stuff here
我是否需要以某种方式将其转换为字符串,或者与另一个 char 数组进行比较?