我查看了这里的问题,虽然有很多关于将类似字符串与 instr 函数等匹配的内容,但关于精确匹配的内容并不多。

我正在遍历按 id 分类的名称列表,其中每个 id 都有自己的相应基准。不幸的是,所有基准名称都类似于“巴克莱”x 指数,其中有大量类似的名称,例如巴克莱美国综合指数、巴克莱中级美国综合指数等......并且只是试图匹配给出了输出。 .但是错误的数据点。这是我的参考代码..问题出在循环的第二个 elseif 中。


For i = 1 To lastrow

If source = "Historical" Then
        If Range("A" & i).Value = delimit2 Then
                benchmark_name = Sheets(source).Range("L" & i).Value
                j = j + 10
                name = Sheets(source).Range("A" & i + 1).Value
                Sheets(output_sht).Range("D" & j - 3) = "Portfolio"
                Sheets(output_sht).Range("E" & j - 3) = benchmark_name

        ElseIf benchmark_name <> vbNullString _
        And Range("A" & i).Value = benchmark_name Then
                If IsNumeric(Sheets(source).Range("F" & i).Value) Then
                    Alt_return3 = Sheets(source).Range("F" & i).Value
                    If IsEmpty(Sheets(output_sht).Cells(j, col1)) Then
                    Sheets(output_sht).Cells(j, col1) = Alt_return3 / 100
                    End If
                End If

                If IsNumeric(Sheets(source).Range("G" & i).Value) Then
                    Alt_return5 = Sheets(source).Range("G" & i).Value
                    If IsEmpty(Sheets(output_sht).Cells(j + 1, col1)) Then
                    Sheets(output_sht).Cells(j + 1, col1) = Alt_return5 / 100
                    End If
                End If
                If IsNumeric(Sheets(source).Range("H" & i).Value) Then
                    Alt_returnINC = Sheets(source).Range("H" & i).Value
                    If IsEmpty(Sheets(output_sht).Cells(j + 2, col1)) Then
                    Sheets(output_sht).Cells(j + 2, col1) = Alt_returnINC / 100
                    End If
                    Sheets(output_sht).Range("D" & j & ":E" & j + 5).NumberFormat = "0.00%"
                End If

            Sheets(output_sht).Range("C" & j) = period
            Sheets(output_sht).Range("C" & j + 1) = period2
            Sheets(output_sht).Range("C" & j + 2) = period3

        End If
End If

Next i

2 回答 2


我知道你正在寻找一个完全匹配。但是,您可能需要考虑尝试 FuzzyMatch。


您可以将此函数下载/导入到您的工作簿,然后使用您正在比较的 2 个字符串/名称调用它,它将返回一个分数。

如果我是你,我会遍历所有可能的名字并获得最高分。如果您正在寻找完全匹配,那么在您的情况下将是 100%。



========= 这是代码。将此添加到您的模块中。

Option Explicit
Public Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32.dll" () As Long
'To be placed in the Declarations area
Sub TestFuzzy()
Dim t As Long, a As Long, i As Long
t = GetTickCount
For i = 1 To 100000
a = Fuzzy("Sorin Sion", "Open Source")
Debug.Print "Similarity score: " & a & "; " & i - 1 & " iterations took " & _
GetTickCount - t & " milliseconds"
End Sub

'TestFuzzy's result should look like:
'Similarity score: 0.3; 100000 iterations took 2094 milliseconds
'The test was done on an Intel processor at 3.2GHz

Public Function Fuzzy(ByVal s1 As String, ByVal s2 As String) As Single
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer, d1 As Integer, d2 As Integer, p As Integer
Dim c As String, a1 As String, a2 As String, f As Single, o As Single, w As Single
s1 = UCase(s1) 'input strings are converted to uppercase
d1 = Len(s1)
j = 1
For i = 1 To d1
c = Mid(s1, i, 1)
Select Case c
Case "0" To "9", "A" To "Z" 'filter the allowable characters
a1 = a1 & c 'a1 is what remains from s1 after filtering
j = j + 1
End Select
If j = 1 Then Exit Function 'if s1 is empty after filtering
d1 = j - 1
s2 = UCase(s2)
d2 = Len(s2)
j = 1
For i = 1 To d2
c = Mid(s2, i, 1)
Select Case c
Case "0" To "9", "A" To "Z"
a2 = a2 & c
j = j + 1
End Select
If j = 1 Then Exit Function
d2 = j - 1
k = d1
If d2 < d1 Then 
'to prevent doubling the code below s1 must be made the shortest string,
'so we swap the variables
k = d2
d2 = d1
d1 = k
s1 = a2
s2 = a1
a1 = s1
a2 = s2
s1 = a1
s2 = a2
End If
If k = 1 Then 'degenerate case, where the shortest string is just one character
If InStr(1, s2, s1, vbBinaryCompare) > 0 Then
Fuzzy = 1 / d2
Fuzzy = 0
End If
Else '******* MAIN LOGIC HERE *******
i = 1
f = 0
o = 0
Do 'count the identical characters in s1 and s2 ("frequency analysis")
p = InStr(1, s2, Mid(s1, i, 1), vbBinaryCompare)
'search the character at position i from s1 in s2
If p > 0 Then 'found a matching character, at position p in s2
f = f + 1 'increment the frequency counter
s2 = Left(s2, p - 1) & "~" & Mid(s2, p + 1)
'replace the found character with one outside the allowable list
'(I used tilde here), to prevent re-finding
Do 'check the order of characters
If i >= k Then Exit Do 'no more characters to search
If Mid(s2, p + 1, 1) = Mid(s1, i + 1, 1) Then
'test if the next character is the same in the two strings
f = f + 1 'increment the frequency counter
o = o + 1 'increment the order counter
i = i + 1
p = p + 1
Exit Do
End If
End If
If i >= k Then Exit Do
i = i + 1
If o > 0 Then o = o + 1 'if we got at least one match, adjust the order counter
'because two characters are required to define "order"
w = 2 'Weight of characters order match against characters frequency match;
'feel free to experiment, to get best matching results with your data.
'If only frequency is important, you can get rid of the second Do...Loop
'to significantly accelerate the code.
'By altering a bit the code above and the equation below you may get rid
'of the frequency parameter, since the order counter increments only for
'identical characters which are in the same order.
'However, I usually keep both parameters, since they offer maximum flexibility
'with a variety of data, and both should be maintained for this project
Fuzzy = (w * o + f) / (w + 1) / d2
End If
End Function



Dim strA, strB, hiScore(1 to 3), tempScore

With Thisworkbook.ActiveSheet
    For a = 1 to .Usedrange.Rows.Count ' Scans Column 1
        strA = .cells(a,1) ' Barclays Aggregate Index
        For b = 1 to .usedrange.rows.count ' Compares Col 1 to Col 2
            strB = .cells(b,2) ' Barclays Aggregate Other Index
            tempScore = Fuzzy(strA, strB)
            If tempScore > hiScore then
                hiScore(1) = tempScore
                hiScore(2) = a 
                hiScore(3) = b
            End If 
        Next b
        ' Do your Action with the Best Match Here
        If hiScore(1) = 1 then ' (100% - perfect match)
            ' Copies col 3 from the row that the best strB match was on 
            ' to col 4 from the row strA was on
            .Cells(a,4) = .Cells(hiScore(3),3)
        End If
        ' ====
        ' Reset Variables
        hiScore = ""
        tempScore = ""
    Next a
End with
于 2013-08-01T14:42:41.377 回答


你不是在找Like运营商吗?您应该在代码顶部添加:Option compare text

有关 like 运算符的更多信息

于 2013-08-01T14:43:29.650 回答