因此,我尝试使用 matlab 对钢琴录音执行 STFT,但出现以下错误。警告:输入参数必须是标量。
In test3 at 35
??? Error using ==> zeros
Out of memory. Type HELP MEMORY for your options.
Error in ==> test3 at 35
song = cat(1,song,zeros(n_of_padding,1));
clear all;
[song,FS] = wavread('c scale fast.wav');
song = sum(song,2);
song = song/max(abs(song));
wTime = 0.05;
ZP_exp = 1;
P_OL = 50;
% Number of STFT samples per STFT slice
N_window = floor(wTime*FS);
% Number of overlapping points
window_overlap = floor(N_window*(P_OL/100));
wTime = N_window/FS;
%size checking
%make sure there are integer number of windows if not zero pad until they are
L = size(song);
%determine the number of times-1 the overlapping window will fit the song length
N_of_windows = floor(L - N_window/(N_window - window_overlap));
%determine the remainder
N_of_points_left = L - (N_window + N_of_windows*(N_window - window_overlap));
%Calculate the number of points to zero pad
n_of_padding = (N_window - window_overlap) - N_of_points_left;
%append the zeros to the end of the song
song = cat(1,song,zeros(n_of_padding,1));
clear n_of_windows n_of_points_left n_of_padding
n_of_windows = floor((L - N_window)/(N_window - window_overlap))+1;
windowing = hamming(N_window);
N_padding = 2^(nextpow2(N_window)+ZP_exp);
parfor k = 1:N_of_windows
starting = (k-1)*(N_window -window_overlap) +1;
ending = starting+N_window-1;
%Define the Time of the window, i.e., the center of window
times(k) = (starting + ceil(N_window/2))/Fs;
%apply windowing function
frame_sample = music(starting:ending).*windowing;
%take FFT of sample and apply zero padding
F_trans = fft(frame_sample,N_padding);
%store FFT data for later
STFT_out(:,k) = F_trans;