我在 Eclipse 中有一个使用 m2e 的 Maven 项目。我起诉春天。当 maven 构建 jar 文件时,我将所有依赖项 jar 复制到文件夹 dependency-jars。这里我是怎么做的。
<!-- to avoid maven-dependency-plugin (goals “copy-dependencies”, “unpack”) is not supported by m2e error -->
<!-- Ignore/Execute plugin execution -->
<!-- copy-dependency plugin -->
<ignore />
<!-- Maven compiler plugin
If you run the code maven package now, Maven will package this Java project into a jar file
named “test-1.0.0.jar“, in target folder.
<!-- To make jar file like a exe file, you need to define a manifest file and declare the application
entry point inside via maven-jar-plugin in pom.xml.
<!-- The configuration of the plugin -->
<!-- Configuration of the archiver -->
<!-- Manifest specific configuration -->
<!-- Classpath is added to the manifest of the created jar file. -->
Configures the classpath prefix. This configuration option is
used to specify that all needed libraries are found under dependency-jars/
Use “classpathPrefix” to specify folder name in which all properties will be placed.
<!-- Specifies the main class of the application -->
<!-- uses maven-dependency-plugin to copy all dependencies to "target/dependency-jars/" folder, and
defines the dependency classpath with maven-jar-plugin
log4j, org.slf4j, org.springframework, commons-net, commons-collections,
org.apache.commons, javax.mail, org.apache.velocity, commons-logging
直到一切正常。现在我有 2 个属性文件,我不想包含在 JAR 中,因为我不希望每次更改属性文件后都必须制作 jar。我希望属性文件不在 jar 中,并且它们的条目被添加到 Manifest 中,并且每次我执行 jar 时,它只是从 jar 外部的文件中读取属性。为此,我尝试了一些类似下面的东西。但我坚持如何在 中定义路径<manifest>
. 这是我所做的,但是我的程序没有运行。
<!-- To exclude any file from a jar / target directory you can use the <exludes> tag in your pom.xml.
all files with extention .properties will not be included:
<!-- to avoid maven-dependency-plugin (goals “copy-dependencies”, “unpack”) is not supported by m2e error -->
<!-- Ignore/Execute plugin execution -->
<!-- copy-dependency plugin -->
<ignore />
<!-- maven-antrun-plugin -->
<ignore />
<!-- Maven compiler plugin
If you run the code maven package now, Maven will package this Java project into a jar file
named “test-1.0.0.jar“, in target folder.
<!-- To make jar file like a exe file, you need to define a manifest file and declare the application
entry point inside via maven-jar-plugin in pom.xml.
<!-- The configuration of the plugin -->
<!-- Configuration of the archiver -->
<!-- Manifest specific configuration -->
<!-- Classpath is added to the manifest of the created jar file. -->
Configures the classpath prefix. This configuration option is
used to specify that all needed libraries are found under dependency-jars/
Use “classpathPrefix” to specify folder name in which all properties will be placed.
<!-- Specifies the main class of the application -->
<!-- Use “Class-Path” to specify the folder. “.” Indicate current folder, while
“propertiesFiles” specifies “propertiesFiles” folder in same directory as JAR.
<!-- uses maven-dependency-plugin to copy all dependencies to "target/dependency-jars/" folder, and
defines the dependency classpath with maven-jar-plugin
log4j, org.slf4j, org.springframework, commons-net, commons-collections,
org.apache.commons, javax.mail, org.apache.velocity, commons-logging
<!-- Move property files out of JAR and put in a directory say “target/properties-files” -->
<copy todir="target/properties-files" overwrite="true">
<fileset dir="src/main/java/pk/training/basitMahmood/util">
<include name="*.properties"/>
<fileset dir="src/main/resources/email">
<include name="*.properties"/>
IOException parsing XML document from class path resource
[spring/app-context-xml.xml]; nested exception is
java.io.FileNotFoundException: class path resource
[spring/app-context-xml.xml] cannot be opened because it does not exist
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: pk/training/basitMahmood/BatchImport
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: pk.training.basitMahmood.BatchImport
虽然使用以前的配置(即,只有 jar 复制)一切正常