我对 MVC 模式的结构感到困惑。

在谷歌搜索的某些地方,我发现该模型会更新所有订阅该模型的视图。模型如何更新 MVC 模式中的视图?




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MVC 有多种风格。听起来您可能一直在阅读有关视图观察模型更改的监督控制器模式。

我从你过去的问题和答案中看到你喜欢 php。我不确定监督演示者在 php 中的常见程度(我当然从未使用过它,但我很想知道其他人是否这样做)。这在 .Net 应用程序(例如 winforms)中很常见,其中模型可以数据绑定到 UI 控件。通过订阅模型事件,视图会收到模型更改的通知。

无论如何,因为我认为在 php 中尝试这会很有趣,所以我整理了一个示例:


$input = array(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10);

$model = new model(1);
$controller = new controller(
              $model, new view($model, 0), new view($model, 2)


class model {
  //the model changed event
  public $modelChangedEvent = array();
  private $val;

  public function __construct($val) {
     $this->val = $val;

  public function setVal($val) {
     $this->val = $val;
     //raise the model changed event because the model state has changed

  public function getSquaredVal() {
     return pow($this->val, 2);

  private function raiseModelChangedEvent() {
     foreach ($this->modelChangedEvent as $handler)


class view {

  private $model;
  private $decimalPlaces;
  private $valueHistory = array();

  public function __construct($model, $decimalPlaces) {
    $this->model = $model;
    $this->valueHistory[] = $model->getSquaredVal();
    $this->decimalPlaces = $decimalPlaces;
    //listen to the model changed event and call handler
    $this->model->modelChangedEvent[] = array(

  public function showView() {
    $formatted = array_map(
                 array($this, 'getFormattedValue'), $this->valueHistory
    echo implode('<br/>', $formatted), '<br/><br/>';

  public function modelChangedEventHandler() {
     $this->valueHistory[] = $this->model->getSquaredVal();

  private function getFormattedValue($val) {
     return number_format($val, $this->decimalPlaces);


class controller {

   private $model;
   private $view1;
   private $view2;

   public function __construct($model, $view1, $view2) {
     $this->model = $model;
     $this->view1 = $view1;
     $this->view2 = $view2;

   public function doAction($input) {
     foreach ($input as $val) $this->model->setVal($val);

于 2013-02-09T04:58:34.393 回答