object ParserWorkshop {
def main(args: Array[String]) = {
ChoiceParser("todo link todo to database")
ChoiceParser("todo link todo to database deadline: next tuesday context: app.model")
action = todo
message = link todo to database
properties = [deadline: next tuesday, context: app.model]
[1.27] parsed: Command(todo,link todo to database,List())
[1.36] failure: string matching regex `\z' expected but `:' found
todo link todo to database deadline: next tuesday context: app.model
todo link todo to database :deadline: next tuesday :context: app.model
import scala.util.parsing.combinator._
case class Command(action: String, message: String, properties: List[Property])
case class Property(name: String, value: String)
object ChoiceParser extends JavaTokenParsers {
def apply(input: String) = println(parseAll(command, input))
def command = action~message~properties ^^ {case a~m~p => new Command(a, m, p)}
def action = ident
def message = """[\w\d\s\.]+""".r
def properties = rep(property)
def property = propertyName~":"~propertyValue ^^ {
case n~":"~v => new Property(n, v)
def propertyName: Parser[String] = ident
def propertyValue: Parser[String] = """[\w\d\s\.]+""".r