我在 C# 中有以下内容

public static void Main()
    var result = Foo(new Progress<int>(i =>
        Console.WriteLine("Progress: " + i)));

    Console.WriteLine("Result: " + result);            

static int Foo(IProgress<int> progress)
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)

    return 1001;

Main 的一些输出是:


Result: 1001
Progress: 4
Progress: 6
Progress: 7
Progress: 8
Progress: 9
Progress: 3
Progress: 0
Progress: 1
Progress: 5
Progress: 2


Progress: 4
Progress: 5
Progress: 6
Progress: 7
Progress: 8
Progress: 9
Progress: 0
Progress: 1
Progress: 2
Result: 1001
Progress: 3


对于每次运行,输出都是不同的。如何同步这些方法,以便按报告的顺序显示进度 0,1,...9,然后是结果 1001。我希望输出如下所示:

Progress: 0
Progress: 9
Result: 1001

4 回答 4


Progress<> 类使用 SynchronizationContext.Current 属性 Post() 进度更新。这样做是为了确保在程序的 UI 线程上触发 ProgressChanged 事件,以便更新 UI 是安全的。安全更新 ProgressBar.Value 属性所必需的。

控制台模式应用程序的问题在于它没有同步提供程序。不像 Winforms 或 WPF 应用程序。Synchronization.Current 属性具有默认提供程序,其 Post() 方法在线程池线程上运行。在没有任何联锁的情况下,哪个 TP 线程首先报告其更新是完全不可预测的。也没有什么好的联锁方式。

只是不要在这里使用 Progress 类,没有意义。您在控制台模式应用程序中没有 UI 线程安全问题,控制台类已经是线程安全的。使固定:

static int Foo()
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        Console.WriteLine("Progress: {0}", i);

    return 1001;
于 2013-08-01T00:30:22.537 回答

正如汉斯的回答中所说,.NET 实现Progress<T>用于SynchronizationContext.Post发送其请求。您可以像在Yves 的回答中那样直接报告它,或者您可以使用SynchronizationContext.Send这样请求将被阻塞,直到接收者处理它。

因为引用源是可用的,所以它就像复制源并将其更改Post为 aSend和更改SynchronizationContext.CurrentNoFlow为一样简单,SynchronizationContext.Current因为它是CurrentNoFlow一个内部属性。

/// <summary>
/// Provides an IProgress{T} that invokes callbacks for each reported progress value.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Specifies the type of the progress report value.</typeparam>
/// <remarks>
/// Any handler provided to the constructor or event handlers registered with
/// the <see cref="ProgressChanged"/> event are invoked through a 
/// <see cref="System.Threading.SynchronizationContext"/> instance captured
/// when the instance is constructed.  If there is no current SynchronizationContext
/// at the time of construction, the callbacks will be invoked on the ThreadPool.
/// </remarks>
public class SynchronousProgress<T> : IProgress<T>
    /// <summary>The synchronization context captured upon construction.  This will never be null.</summary>
    private readonly SynchronizationContext m_synchronizationContext;
    /// <summary>The handler specified to the constructor.  This may be null.</summary>
    private readonly Action<T> m_handler;
    /// <summary>A cached delegate used to post invocation to the synchronization context.</summary>
    private readonly SendOrPostCallback m_invokeHandlers;

    /// <summary>Initializes the <see cref="Progress{T}"/>.</summary>
    public SynchronousProgress()
        // Capture the current synchronization context.  "current" is determined by Current.
        // If there is no current context, we use a default instance targeting the ThreadPool.
        m_synchronizationContext = SynchronizationContext.Current ?? ProgressStatics.DefaultContext;
        Contract.Assert(m_synchronizationContext != null);
        m_invokeHandlers = new SendOrPostCallback(InvokeHandlers);

    /// <summary>Initializes the <see cref="Progress{T}"/> with the specified callback.</summary>
    /// <param name="handler">
    /// A handler to invoke for each reported progress value.  This handler will be invoked
    /// in addition to any delegates registered with the <see cref="ProgressChanged"/> event.
    /// Depending on the <see cref="System.Threading.SynchronizationContext"/> instance captured by 
    /// the <see cref="Progress"/> at construction, it's possible that this handler instance
    /// could be invoked concurrently with itself.
    /// </param>
    /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">The <paramref name="handler"/> is null (Nothing in Visual Basic).</exception>
    public SynchronousProgress(Action<T> handler) : this()
        if (handler == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("handler");
        m_handler = handler;

    /// <summary>Raised for each reported progress value.</summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Handlers registered with this event will be invoked on the 
    /// <see cref="System.Threading.SynchronizationContext"/> captured when the instance was constructed.
    /// </remarks>
    public event EventHandler<T> ProgressChanged;

    /// <summary>Reports a progress change.</summary>
    /// <param name="value">The value of the updated progress.</param>
    protected virtual void OnReport(T value)
        // If there's no handler, don't bother going through the [....] context.
        // Inside the callback, we'll need to check again, in case 
        // an event handler is removed between now and then.
        Action<T> handler = m_handler;
        EventHandler<T> changedEvent = ProgressChanged;
        if (handler != null || changedEvent != null)
            // Post the processing to the [....] context.
            // (If T is a value type, it will get boxed here.)
            m_synchronizationContext.Send(m_invokeHandlers, value);

    /// <summary>Reports a progress change.</summary>
    /// <param name="value">The value of the updated progress.</param>
    void IProgress<T>.Report(T value) { OnReport(value); }

    /// <summary>Invokes the action and event callbacks.</summary>
    /// <param name="state">The progress value.</param>
    private void InvokeHandlers(object state)
        T value = (T)state;

        Action<T> handler = m_handler;
        EventHandler<T> changedEvent = ProgressChanged;

        if (handler != null) handler(value);
        if (changedEvent != null) changedEvent(this, value);

/// <summary>Holds static values for <see cref="Progress{T}"/>.</summary>
/// <remarks>This avoids one static instance per type T.</remarks>
internal static class ProgressStatics
    /// <summary>A default synchronization context that targets the ThreadPool.</summary>
    internal static readonly SynchronizationContext DefaultContext = new SynchronizationContext();
于 2015-10-04T15:16:03.750 回答


public class ConsoleProgress<T> : IProgress<T>
    private Action<T> _action;

    public ConsoleProgress(Action<T> action) {
        if(action == null) {
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(action));

        _action = action;

    public void Report(T value) {
于 2015-10-04T12:29:37.553 回答



于 2013-07-31T23:24:33.853 回答