You can use MockitoJunitRunner and specify a rule to use PowerMock since Eclemma works along with MockitoJUnitRunner.
Something like this:
@RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class) // This supports Eclemma Plugin. Powermock doesn't.
@PrepareForTest({/* StaticClasses for Powermock here */})
public class ClassTest {
// These two statements; the static block and @Rule make sure Powermock works along with Mockito!!
static {
public PowerMockRule powerMockRule = new PowerMockRule();
@Mock // To mock dependent class
private MockClass mock;
@InjectMocks //To Inject all mocks in this class
private ClassUnderTest classObject;
//Rest of the code here.
Dependencies needed:
Also you need to add this to the configurations under Coverage As -> Coverage Configurations -> Arguments.
Inside VM Arguments add -noverify and save.
for this to work with Jacoco use the following statement in your pom.xml .
<argLine>${argLine} -noverify -javaagent:${settings.localRepository}/org/powermock/powermock-module-javaagent/1.6.2/powermock-module-javaagent-1.6.2.jar</argLine>