像这样 :

addEventHandler(document.getElementById('btnAdd'), "click", function() 
   { addNewItem(); }, false);

代替 :

addEventHandler(document.getElementById('btnAdd'), "click", addNewItem, false);

我知道这与工作得更多的 javascript 解释器有关。但是怎么做?


3 回答 3



  • 更短、更易读的行
  • 描述性名称
  • 在其他地方轻松重用该功能

传递一个除了调用一个其他函数(根据您的示例)之外什么都不做的匿名函数只是臃肿 - 内联函数表达式的冗长同时仍然具有命名函数,这是两全其美的。

于 2013-07-30T16:18:10.423 回答


  • 更多代码
  • 对全球空间的污染
  • 可读性较差的代码,因为该函数未在其他地方使用并不明显



addEventHandler(document.getElementById('btnAdd'), "click", function() {
    // addNewItem implementation
}, false);


于 2013-07-30T16:14:53.953 回答


我将使用这个JS Fiddle来解释我以前的标准、当前的标准,以及我为什么要放弃我的旧标准。总而言之,我从一些错误中了解到,传入包装的匿名函数可以更加安全,因为您必须显式编码要传递给函数的参数。尽管如此,这两种模式都有自己的位置。

var btn = document.getElementById('btn');
var btn2 = document.getElementById('btn2');

//I previously tended to pass in function name references.  However, I recently moved towards
//passing in anonymous functions because I found that pattern to be a bit more refactor safe.
//More specifically, it is more refactor safe when you suspect the signature of our function
//will change.  If you never expect the function's signature to change, then I guess you shouldn't
//need to worry about passing in an anonymous function.

//Because of the way addEventListener uses addNewItem, addNewItem will always receive one 
//paramter: the event object.  Therefore, we are not using addNewItem correct.  It expects one
//argument that is message.  Previously, we were calling addNewItem correctly when it looked like
//addNewItemOld and expected zero arguments.  Click "Add message incorrect" to see the incorrect 
btn.addEventListener("click", addNewItem);

//Now I often to wrap my function calls in anonymous functions because I know exactly what arguments
//I'm passing into my function.  In this case I am explicitely not passing in a message.  Now, we are
//using the addNewItem function correctly
btn2.addEventListener("click", function(e) { addNewItem(); });

//This function has been refactored.  It used to look like addNewItemOld.  The way
//this function's signature has been refactored is particularly interesting.  It now
//has an optional paramter called message.
function addNewItem(message) {
    var span =document.createTextNode(message || "Now nodes have a default message"),
        workspace = document.getElementById("workspace");

function addNewItemOld() {
    var span =document.createTextNode("Every node has the same message"),
        workspace = document.getElementById("workspace");
于 2013-07-30T17:45:14.847 回答