我尝试用 PCA 创建一个定向边界框。在图像中,您可以看到我的结果:
- 红点:点云
- 蓝色向量: PCA 组件
我尝试用 PCA 创建一个定向边界框。在图像中,您可以看到我的结果:
您的问题与其说是关于 PCA,不如说是关于如何处理平面中的点和线:移动点和将点投影到线。(有关这方面的基础知识,请查看 SO questions/tagged/2d+geometry,或使用这些标签提出新问题。)如果没有这些基础知识,以及一点 Python 或 Matlab,这个小 Python 程序将毫无意义,但在这里反正是:
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np # http://www.numpy.org/
def pcabox( Pointcloud, Pca1, Pca2 ):
""" Lo1, Hi1, Lo2, Hi2 = pcabox( Pointcloud, Pca1, Pca2 )
In: Pointcloud: an N x 2 array of points
In: Pca1, Pca2: unit vectors at right angles, from PCA
Out: Lo1, Hi1, Lo2, Hi2: midpoints of the sides of a bounding box
# convert inputs to numpy arrays (if they aren't already) --
Pointcloud = np.asarray(Pointcloud)
Pca1 = np.asarray(pca1)
Pca2 = np.asarray(pca2)
# check N x 2 --
assert Pointcloud.ndim == 2 and Pointcloud.shape[1] == 2, Pointcloud.shape
C = np.mean( Pointcloud, axis=0 ) # the centre of all the points
Pointcloud = Pointcloud - C # shift the cloud to be centred at [0 0]
# distances along the long axis t * Pca1 --
Dist1 = np.dot( Pointcloud, Pca1 )
Lo1 = Dist1.min() * Pca1
Hi1 = Dist1.max() * Pca1
# and along the short axis t * Pca2 --
Dist2 = np.dot( Pointcloud, Pca2 )
Lo2 = Dist2.min() * Pca2
Hi2 = Dist2.max() * Pca2
return [Lo1, Hi1, Lo2, Hi2] + C # 4 points