EDIT:: My brain's smoking :) Perhaps I'm looking at this from the wrong angle? We need the JQuery to initialise for each dynamically generated id. Do we have to run the JQuery for each and every id (ie. place it in our PHP loop)??
How can we make this JQuery script apply to a dynamically generated list of ids where the ids increase by 1 when looped with PHP?
Here's the JQuery:
scale: 'true',
responsive: 'true',
touch: 'true',
preset: 'bar_fade_left',
navigation: {autohide: true},
slideshow: {speed: 5, timer: false},
animation: {delay: 200}
And here the dynamically generated ids:
<?php echo "<ul id="slider'.$counter.'" class="unoslider">";?>
Thanks for any help!!