我希望这个函数使用 for 循环来遍历我的两个向量(结构),将最内层结构中每个对象的余额添加到变量“银行余额”中。


typedef struct account
string transactionLog;
float balance;
string *pOwner;
int accountNumber;
string label;

typedef account* pAccount;

typedef struct user
string testUsername;
string customerName;
string testPassword;
bool isCustomer;
bool isTeller;
bool isManager;
user(string username, string testpassword, string customerName, bool iscustomer,        bool isteller, bool ismanager)
        : testUsername(username), testPassword(testpassword), customerName(customerName), isCustomer(iscustomer),
    isTeller(isteller), isManager(ismanager) {}
typedef vector<pAccount> Accounts;

typedef user* pUser;
typedef vector<pUser> userVector;
userVector users;
int vectorPos;

double checkBankBalance()
double bankBalance;
for (auto &item : users)
    for (auto &item : users[item].Accounts)
         bankBalance = bankBalance + item->balance;

return 0;

我真的不知道如何格式化第二个 for 循环。任何提示将不胜感激,我已经尝试了我能想到的每一种组合,以及我在网上看到的所有东西。


3 回答 3


您的结构不包含 a vector,它只有一个typedef

typedef vector<pAccount> Accounts;


vector<pAccount> Accounts;


for (auto& user : users)
    for (auto& account : user.Accounts)

另外,请注意,您不需要使用typedef来声明结构。在typedef struct Foo {};中,typedef 被忽略。它只是给代码增加了混乱。


于 2013-07-30T03:55:25.067 回答

在 c++ 中,声明结构时不需要 typedef。在 struct 中,在 typedef 之后声明 Account。Typedef 没有声明。

struct user
    string testUsername;
    string customerName;
    string testPassword;
    bool isCustomer;
    bool isTeller;
    bool isManager;
    user(string username, string testpassword, string customerName, bool iscustomer,        bool isteller, bool ismanager)
        : testUsername(username), testPassword(testpassword), customerName(customerName), isCustomer(iscustomer),
    isTeller(isteller), isManager(ismanager) {}
    typedef vector<pAccount> Accounts;
    Accounts accounts;

在循环中,将 Account(对象类型)更改为 account(对象本身)。也不需要引用该项目,因为它已经是指针类型。(无论如何,您只是在复制地址)。

在内部循环中,直接访问用户,因为范围 for 使您可以直接访问索引处的对象。

for (auto user : users)
    for (auto account : user.accounts)
         bankBalance = bankBalance + account->balance;
于 2013-07-30T04:40:16.207 回答
double checkBankBalance()
double bankBalance;
for (auto &item : users)
    for (auto &item : users[item].Accounts)
         bankBalance = bankBalance + item->balance;

return 0;
  1. 你没有初始化“bankBalance”,
  2. 您没有归还(或使用)bankBalance,
  3. 当您将成员变量“bankBalance”添加到您的结构时,它将在此函数中不可见。
  4. 您还没有掌握 C++ 中的类型声明与成员声明。



struct Account /* Capitalize struct/class names */
    string m_transactionLog;
    float m_balance;
    string *m_pOwner; // I've got a bad feeling about this.
    int m_accountNumber;
    string m_label;


typedef struct User /* capitalize class names */
    string m_testUsername;

    user(const string& username, const string& password, const string& customerName, bool isCustomer, bool isTelelr, bool isManager)
        : m_testUsername(username), m_testPassword(password)
        , m_customerName(customerName /* ouch, this was broken before*/)
        , isCustomer(isCustomer)
        , isTeller(isTeller)
        , isManager(isManager)
    // Look ma: a type definition
    //typedef vector<pAccount> Accounts;
    // Well, ma, we actually wanted a member, not a type.
    vector<pAccount> m_accounts; // Ok, pointers to accounts, I have a bad feeling again.

现在 checkBankBalance 变得相当直观。

double checkBankBalance()
    double bankBalance = 0; // local and farm bought.

    for (auto &user: g_users) // everything in users.
        // now we want to iterate over the accounts member of the user.
        // which will be 'm_accounts'. Since it's a pointer, don't use &
        for (auto item : user.m_accounts)
             bankBalance = bankBalance + item->balance;

    /// do something with bankBalance here
    /// ...

    return 0;
于 2013-07-30T06:11:37.480 回答