Handlebars.registerHelper('macro', function (name, defaults) {
// The following helper will be registered with the name
// given as the first parameter of the macro helper.
// Upon invocation, variables will be looked up in the
// following order: invocation arguments, default values
// given in the macro definition (stored in defaults.hash),
// and finally in the invocation context.
Handlebars.registerHelper(name, function (options) {
// options.hash has the parameters passed to
// the defined helper in invocation, who
// override the default parameters and the current context.
var e = $.extend(this, defaults.hash, options.hash);
// and here's where all the magic happens:
return new Handlebars.SafeString(defaults.fn(e));
{{#macro "macro-name" param1="bar" param2="" param3="egg"}}
{{ param1 }}
{{#each param2 }}
{{ param3 }}
{{ some_value }} {{! this one is looked up in the current context }}
{{macro-name param1="foo" param2=some_array_in_context}}
定义的第一个参数是宏名。所有其他参数必须采用 param=value 格式。
它需要 jQuery,但是,嘿,什么不需要 :-)