I am confused as to how to create a macro for the following process :

There are two workbooks.. one with part numbers (wb1) and the other with part numbers and prices for those numbers (wb2); I need to do the following :

  • Find the corresponding part number of wb2 in wb1 and input the price accompanying the part number in wb2 in column k of wb1... however, wb2 has duplicate part numbers and therefore some parts have more than one price.. I need the highest price inputted in column k of wb1 for the correct part number. Additionally, wb1 may have duplicates, but I want the highest price value from wb2 for the correct part number to be inputted in all duplicates of the part number in wb1 Here is a visual : VISUAL

Hopefully this made sense, let me know how I can accomplish this!


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请注意,它是一个数组公式,所以需要用 输入Ctrl ShiftEnter

于 2013-07-29T20:15:04.440 回答