为什么这不能用 ScalaTest 2.0.M5b 编译?
import org.scalatest.matchers.MatchResult
import org.scalatest.matchers.BeMatcher
import org.scalatest.matchers.ShouldMatchers._
def sorted[T <% Ordered[T]] = new BeMatcher[Seq[T]] {
override def apply(s: Seq[T]) =
s match {
case Seq(h, t@_*) => s.zip(t).forall{ case (x,y) => x < y }
case _ => true
s + " was not sorted",
s + " was sorted")
val s = Seq(1, 2, 3)
s should be (sorted[Int])
overloaded method value should with alternatives: (beWord: NewCollectionsSpec.this.BeWord)NewCollectionsSpec.this.ResultOfBeWordForAnyRef[scala.collection.GenSeq[Int]] <and> (notWord:
NewCollectionsSpec.this.NotWord)NewCollectionsSpec.this.ResultOfNotWordForAnyRef[scala.collection.GenSeq[Int]] <and> (haveWord:
NewCollectionsSpec.this.HaveWord)NewCollectionsSpec.this.ResultOfHaveWordForSeq[Int] <and> (rightMatcher: org.scalatest.matchers.Matcher[scala.collection.GenSeq[Int]])Unit cannot be applied to