The ASP.NET MVC website I'm working on has some (Controller-derived) "user" pages and some (ApiController-derived) "api" pages.

The site uses MiniProfiler to instrument the "user" pages, and I really like what it does. I'd like to have the same or similar functionality in the "api" pages - specifically, a record of the SQL statements that were executed, and how long everything took.

I saw this link which looked promising, where the URL of the entry point is simply entered into the browser address bar, but that's using the default view that comes out of the box with ASP.NET MVC WebApi. My own URLs return an XML document (or JSON response).

Also, I'd prefer something that will allow me to get away from the browser, since my real-life API calls are initiated by another program, and I'd like to be able to record information about a whole session rather than just a single request.

Any advice?


1 回答 1


您可以让 MiniProfiler 将其结果记录到数据库中,而不是处理结果。届时,您将能够回顾一段时间内的表现(针对会话或终点)。


MiniProfiler.Settings.Storage = new SqlServerStorage("connection string here");


于 2013-07-29T16:10:45.870 回答