I have a MySQL table containing benchmarks like so..
benchmarkid playerid verified benchmark resultnumber testdate
1 70 1 40msprint 6.0 2013-06-03
2 70 1 40msprint 6.1 2013-06-04
3 70 1 40msprint 6.3 2013-06-05
4 71 1 40msprint 6.0 2013-06-03
5 71 1 40msprint 6.1 2013-06-04
6 71 1 40msprint 6.3 2013-06-05
I would like to query that table with a date for the benchmark "40msprint" to get the current result for that date and the last known result at that time for each player.
Eg at 2013-06-04 for verified=1 40msprint for players 70 and 71 it would look like.
playerid currentresult previousresult previousdate
70 6.1 6.0 2013-06-03
71 6.1 6.0 2013-06-03
I will also know the playerid's i want to find and there will only be about 20 at a time.
Any ideas for a MySql query that would get me this?