我正在尝试计算GS1 校验位并提出以下代码。计算校验位的算法是:
- 反转条码
- 删除最后一位(计算校验位)
- 将数字与第一位,第三位,第五位等数字乘以 3 甚至偶数位乘以 1 相加。
- 从最接近的等于或高于十的倍数中减去总和
(defn abs "(abs n) is the absolute value of n" [n]
(not (number? n)) (throw (IllegalArgumentException.
"abs requires a number"))
(neg? n) (- n)
:else n))
(defn sum-seq "adds (first number times 3) with (second number)"
(* (first coll) 3)
(second coll)))
(defn sum-digit
(reduce +
(map sum-seq
(partition 2 2 '(0)
(map #(Integer/parseInt %)
(drop 2 (clojure.string/split (clojure.string/reverse s) #"")))))))
(defn mod-higher10 "Subtracts the sum from nearest equal or higher multiple of ten"
(if (zero? (rem i 10))
(- 10(rem i 10))))
(defn check-digit "calculates a GS1 check digit"
(sum-digit s)))
(= (check-digit "7311518182472") 2)
(= (check-digit "7311518152284") 4)
(= (check-digit "7311518225261") 1)
(= (check-digit "7311518241452") 2)
(= (check-digit "7311518034399") 9)
(= (check-digit "7311518005955") 5)
(= (check-digit "7311518263393") 3)
(= (check-digit "7311518240943") 3)
(= (check-digit "00000012345687") 7)
(= (check-digit "012345670") 0)