I have a hundred zipfiles in a directory and so I did a python script to unzip all files, but I needed to display a percentage status of each file inside of anyone huge zipfile (actually each zipfile has only one file).
I found some examples here but in all of them each zipfile had several files inside it therefore the percentage was about the number of files inside of zipfile and not about one of them (my case).
So, I wrote the code below, but for each zipfile I just got to show "100% completed" but I should showing for each file, something like that:
10% Completed 12% Completed 16% Completed ... 100% Completed
I really appreciate any suggestion.
# -- coding: utf-8 --
import glob, zipfile, sys, threading
from os.path import getsize
class Extract(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, z, fname, base, lock):
self.z = z
self.fname = fname
self.base = base
self.lock = lock
def run(self):
self.z.extract(self.fname, self.base)
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
Sintaxe : python %s [Nome da Pasta]
""" % sys.argv[0])
base = sys.argv[1]
if base[len(base)-1:] != '/':
base += '/'
for fs in glob.glob(base + '*.zip'):
if 'BR' not in fs.split('.'):
f = open(fs,'rb')
z = zipfile.ZipFile(f)
for fname in z.namelist():
size = [s.file_size for s in z.infolist() if s.filename == fname][0]
lock = threading.Lock()
background = Extract(z, fname, base, lock)
print fname + ' => ' + str(size)
while True:
filesize = getsize(base + fname)
print "%s %% completed\r" % str(filesize * 100.0 / size)
if filesize == size: