我想在 iPhone 上使用 mcrypt 加密。在使用 i386 架构的 iPhone 模拟器上使用它没有问题。iPhone 使用 armv7s 架构,mcrypt 似乎不支持。我通过以下命令使用 mac 端口安装了它:sudo install mcrypt +universal。所以它应该是“通用的”。有没有办法让它在 iPhone 上运行?


1 回答 1


The +universal flag on MacPorts is related to OS X universal binaries. It has nothing to do with iOS.

So you'll get only binaries for OS X, with multiple architectures (i386, x86_64, maybe PPC).
Not ARM binaries for iOS.

If you need such a library on iOS, your best solution is to grab the sources and compile them by yourself using Xcode, into an iOS static library target.

You'll find many tutorials about this on the web.

于 2013-07-27T12:13:30.330 回答