我正在 Haraka 构建一个需要 tls 认证的应用程序。我使用命令生成了 .pem 文件 tls_cert.pem 和 tls_key.pem

openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 2190 -newkey rsa:1024 -keyout config/tls_key.pem -out config/tls_cert.pem

就像 Haraka 建议的那样,并确保 Common Name 字段的内容与我的 config/me 文件的内容相同。在我的配置/插件中,我有

# default list of plugins

# Log to syslog (disabled by default, see docs)

# block mails from known bad hosts (see config/dnsbl.zones for the DNS zones queried)

# Check mail headers are valid

# block mail from some known bad HELOs - see config/helo.checks.ini for configuration

# control which "MAIL FROM" addresses you accept. See docs.

# Only accept mail where the MAIL FROM domain is resolvable to an MX record

# Disconnect client if they spew bad SMTP commands at us

# control which "RCPT TO" addresses you reject. See docs.

# Only accept mail for your personal list of hosts. Edit config/host_list
# NOTE: THIS IS REQUIRED for inbound email.

# Queue mail via smtp - see config/smtp_forward.ini for where your mail goes

##### Custom Plugins ####

javascript/fooBar 是我在coffeescript 中编写并编译成一个js 文件的自定义插件,这意味着它映射到plugins/javascript/Mx25OutBoundActions.js

这里是 plugins/javascript/fooBar.js 的内容

(function() {
  var DataBase, Password, User, database;

  DataBase = require('./dataBase');

  database = new DataBase();

  User = null;

  Password = null;

  exports.hook_lookup_rdns = function(next, conn) {
    return next(OK, '');

  exports.hook_connect = function(next, conn, params) {
    conn.remote_host = '';
    return next(CONT, "The MX25 SMTP API is now ready.");

  exports.register = function() {
    return this.inherits('auth/auth_base');

  exports.hook_capablities = function(next, conn) {
    var methods;
    conn.notes.tls_enabled = 1;
    if (conn.using_tls) {
      this.loginfo('Connection Secure');
      methods = ['PLAIN', 'LOGIN'];
      conn.capabilities.push("AUTH " + (methods.join(' ')));
      conn.notes.allowed_auth_methods = methods;
      return next();
    } else {
      this.loginfo('Connection not secure');
      return next(DENY, '5.7.1 Secure connection required');
  exports.get_plain_passwd = function(user, cb) {
    return cb(user);

  exports.check_plain_passwd = function(conn, user, passwd, cb) {
    database.query('SELECT * FROM domains', function(error, results) {
      var Password, User, flag, i, _i, _ref;
      if (error == null) {
        flag = 0;
        for (i = _i = 0, _ref = results.length; 0 <= _ref ? _i <= _ref : _i >= _ref; i = 0 <= _ref ? ++_i : --_i) {
          if (user === results[i].address && passwd === results[i].outbound_password) {
            flag = 1;
        if (flag === 1) {
          User = user;
          Password = passwd;
          return cb(true);
        } else {
          console.log('User not authenticated');
          return next(DENY, '5.7.1 Invalid authentication credentials provided');
      } else {
        console.log("Error: ${error}.");
    return cb(true);

我运行它时遇到问题。Haraka 启动得很好,但是当我运行命令时

swaks -f test@test.com -t myemail@gmail.com -s localhost -p 587 -au testname -ap t3$tPassword

在另一个委员会中,我从 swaks 中得到一个错误说

*** Host did not advertise authentication

Haraka 的输出看起来像

[NOTICE] [3D27FD1C-B94A-4271-84EB-460B32598491] [core] connect ip=::1 port=64243 local_ip=:: local_port=587
[DEBUG] [3D27FD1C-B94A-4271-84EB-460B32598491] [core] running lookup_rdns hooks
[DEBUG] [3D27FD1C-B94A-4271-84EB-460B32598491] [core] running lookup_rdns hook in javascript/fooBar plugin
[INFO] [3D27FD1C-B94A-4271-84EB-460B32598491] [core] hook=lookup_rdns plugin=javascript/fooBar function=hook_lookup_rdns params="" retval=OK msg=""
[DEBUG] [3D27FD1C-B94A-4271-84EB-460B32598491] [core] running connect hooks
[DEBUG] [3D27FD1C-B94A-4271-84EB-460B32598491] [core] running connect hook in javascript/fooBar plugin
[DEBUG] [3D27FD1C-B94A-4271-84EB-460B32598491] [core] hook=connect plugin=javascript/fooBar function=hook_connect params="" retval=CONT msg="The MX25 SMTP API is now ready."
[PROTOCOL] [3D27FD1C-B94A-4271-84EB-460B32598491] [core] S: 220 The MX25 SMTP API is now ready.
[PROTOCOL] [3D27FD1C-B94A-4271-84EB-460B32598491] [core] C: EHLO richardas-mac-mini.local state=1
[DEBUG] [3D27FD1C-B94A-4271-84EB-460B32598491] [core] running ehlo hooks
[DEBUG] [3D27FD1C-B94A-4271-84EB-460B32598491] [core] running capabilities hooks
[DEBUG] [3D27FD1C-B94A-4271-84EB-460B32598491] [core] running capabilities hook in javascript/fooBar plugin
[DEBUG] [3D27FD1C-B94A-4271-84EB-460B32598491] [core] hook=capabilities plugin=javascript/fooBar function=hook_capabilities params="" retval=CONT msg=""
[DEBUG] [3D27FD1C-B94A-4271-84EB-460B32598491] [core] running capabilities hook in tls plugin
[DEBUG] [3D27FD1C-B94A-4271-84EB-460B32598491] [core] hook=capabilities plugin=tls function=hook_capabilities params="" retval=CONT msg=""
[PROTOCOL] [3D27FD1C-B94A-4271-84EB-460B32598491] [core] S: 250-outbound.mx25.net Hello [::1], Haraka is at your service.
[PROTOCOL] [3D27FD1C-B94A-4271-84EB-460B32598491] [core] S: 250-PIPELINING
[PROTOCOL] [3D27FD1C-B94A-4271-84EB-460B32598491] [core] S: 250-8BITMIME
[PROTOCOL] [3D27FD1C-B94A-4271-84EB-460B32598491] [core] S: 250-SIZE 500000
[PROTOCOL] [3D27FD1C-B94A-4271-84EB-460B32598491] [core] S: 250 STARTTLS
[PROTOCOL] [3D27FD1C-B94A-4271-84EB-460B32598491] [core] C: QUIT state=1
[DEBUG] [3D27FD1C-B94A-4271-84EB-460B32598491] [core] running quit hooks
[PROTOCOL] [3D27FD1C-B94A-4271-84EB-460B32598491] [core] S: 221 outbound.mx25.net closing connection. Have a jolly good day.
[DEBUG] [3D27FD1C-B94A-4271-84EB-460B32598491] [core] running disconnect hooks
[NOTICE] [3D27FD1C-B94A-4271-84EB-460B32598491] [core] disconnect ip=::1 rdns="" helo="richardas-mac-mini.local" relay=N early=N esmtp=Y tls=N pipe=N txns=0 rcpts=0/0/0 msgs=0/0/0 bytes=0 lr="" time=0.008

我在这里迷路了。我已经搜索了 Haraka 关于这个主题的所有文档以及我找到的源代码和几个示例项目。为什么 Haraka 不授权我的身份验证?


我有身份验证代码。我最初没有包括它,因为我认为它与错误无关。即使包含它,Haraka 输出也完全相同,并且函数第一行中的 this.loginfo 调用不会出现。Swaks 产生的错误和输出也完全一样。在我将其包含在内之后,仍然阅读了马特的文章。为了仔细检查这一点,我还尝试注释掉 exports.check_plain_passwd 中的所有代码,并在所有情况下都返回 cb(true)。没有改变。我得到了相同的输出和相同的错误。


2 回答 2


您要尝试的第一件事是-tls在调用swaks. 在服务器日志中,我看到它宣传 STARTTLS(并且不宣传 AUTH),但客户端立即退出而不是协商 TLS。如果有真正的问题,这是对你隐瞒。

于 2013-07-29T16:16:30.050 回答

看起来您正在尝试添加身份验证而不是 TLS - 为此您需要一个身份验证插件,例如 auth/flat_file。同样根据 TLS 文档,它应该首先在 config/plugins 文件中列出(其次是 auth/flat_file) - 插件顺序很重要 - 它决定了运行的顺序,并且您希望 TLS 成为发生的第一件事.

这里有关于 auth_flat_file 的文档:http: //haraka.github.io/manual/plugins/auth/flat_file.html

于 2013-07-27T19:37:22.307 回答