I'm new to unity and I am trying to use a plugin named Scaleform and I'm following the steps indicated in readme file, I've created a new project, imported the plugin, selected Main Camera object and attached the specified script to it, but when I want to play, I get this error:

DllNotFoundException: libgfxunity3d SFCamera.OnDestroy () (at Assets/Plugins/SF/SFCamera.cs:163)

I googled and all I got was this: http://forums.autodesk.com/t5/Scaleform-Unity-Development/dll-not-found-exception/td-p/4242779

I've downloaded and installed DirectX too, but still no change! :(

Does anyone know what should I do?



2 回答 2


我从http://www.dependencywalker.com/下载了 Depends 应用程序并加载了 libgfxunity3d.dll。我缺少 msvcr100.dll、IEShims.dll 和 wer.dll。我将这些 dll 放入 System32 目录中,我的程序运行良好。希望这可以帮助!

于 2013-08-17T02:44:52.993 回答

我们在 Windows 上也遇到了这个问题。最终,重新安装 DirectX 运行时确实为我们解决了这个问题(遇到问题的人缺少 Scaleform dll 所依赖的 d3dx9_43.dll)。

您还可以检查并确保已将正确的密钥放入继承的相机脚本中的适当位置。(在示例中,我相信它被称为 MyCamera.cs。)

最后,您应该检查您的构建目标是否与您安装的 Scaleform 试用版的版本相匹配。例如,如果您的 Unity 构建设置是 Android,您需要有适用于 Windows 的 Android 运行时,而不是适当的 Windows 运行时。

于 2013-08-14T14:18:29.627 回答