我正在编写一个 iPhoneApp,它将通过音频插孔从设备录制声音,我尝试编译我的代码,但它一直说

'无法使用'const void *'类型的左值初始化'CFDictionaryRef'(又名'const_CFDictionary *')类型的变量这是我的代码的一部分:

#pragma mark Audio session callbacks_______________________

// Audio session callback function for responding to audio route changes. If playing
//      back application audio when the headset is unplugged, this callback pauses  
//      playback and displays an alert that notifies the user that power has been      terminated.
//      The system takes care of iPod audio pausing during route changes--this callback
//      is not involved with pausing playback of iPod audio.
void audioRouteChangeListenerCallback (
                                       void                      *inUserData,
                                       AudioSessionPropertyID    inPropertyID,
                                       UInt32                    inPropertyValueSize,
                                       const void                *inPropertyValue
                                       ) {

// ensure that this callback was invoked for a route change
if (inPropertyID != kAudioSessionProperty_AudioRouteChange) return;

// This callback, being outside the implementation block, needs a reference to the
//      MainViewController object, which it receives in the inUserData parameter.
//      You provide this reference when registering this callback (see the call to
//      AudioSessionAddPropertyListener).
MaxViewController *controller = (__bridge MaxViewController *) inUserData;

// if application sound is not playing, there's nothing to do, so return.
if (controller.sound.playing == 0 ) {

    NSLog (@"Audio route change while application audio is stopped.");

} else {

    // Determines the reason for the route change, to ensure that it is not     //      because of a category change.

    CFDictionaryRef routeChangeDictionary = inPropertyValue;

    CFNumberRef routeChangeReasonRef =
    CFDictionaryGetValue (
                          CFSTR (kAudioSession_AudioRouteChangeKey_Reason)

    SInt32 routeChangeReason;

我已经在 stackoverflow 和其他地方搜索了所有可能的结果,但事实证明它失败了。任何帮助将不胜感激。提前致谢。


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