我使用 Editplus 来查找替换值。我在 abc_xyz 中有字符串。有没有办法使用editplus正则表达式将其转换为abcXyz(驼峰式)并找到替换功能?
2947 次
2 回答
The following works in Edit Plus 3.70.
Enter or check the following in the replace dialog.
- Find what: (\w+)_([[:lower:]]{1})(\w*)
- Replace with: \1\U\2\E\3
- Case sensitive: unchecked
- Regular expression: checked
- Support \U \L \E: checked
This works fine for the example given.
If you have a variable such as has_three_words then running the replace twice will convert the variable to hasThreeWords.
于 2014-07-09T09:25:26.883 回答
编辑加 4.3;
CTRL + U(大写)
CTRL + L(小写)
于 2019-05-01T15:53:54.457 回答