几乎没有修改以禁用非 cli 访问。
脚本可以使用/usr/bin/php script.php
另外用于在后台nohup /usr/bin/php script.php > nohup.out &
if ( PHP_SAPI !== 'cli' ) {
die( "Cmd line access only!\n" );
define( 'LOCK_FILE', "/var/run/".basename( $argv[0], ".php" ).".lock" ); // can also use /tmp
if( isLocked() ) die( "Already running.\n" );
# The rest of your script goes here....
echo "Hello world!\n";
unlink( LOCK_FILE );
function isLocked()
# If lock file exists, check if stale. If exists and is not stale, return TRUE
# Else, create lock file and return FALSE.
if( file_exists( LOCK_FILE ) )
# check if it's stale
$lockingPID = trim( file_get_contents( LOCK_FILE ) );
# Get all active PIDs.
$pids = explode( "\n", trim( `ps -e | awk '{print $1}'` ) );
# If PID is still active, return true
if( in_array( $lockingPID, $pids ) ) return true;
# Lock-file is stale, so kill it. Then move on to re-creating it.
echo "Removing stale lock file.\n";
unlink( LOCK_FILE );
file_put_contents( LOCK_FILE, getmypid() . "\n" );
return false;