这是这个问题的后续:here,涉及 iText。我创建了一个具有不同旋转角度的新 Pdf,然后删除旧的并将新的重命名为旧的名称。我已经确定我的问题实际上发生了(仅当旋转 == null,wtf 时)调用
奇怪的是 renameTo() 返回 true,但文件不等于原始文件,outFile 将不再在 Windows 上的 Adobe Reader 中打开。我尝试在桌面 Pdf 修复程序中分析损坏的 Pdf 文件,得到的结果是:
The end-of-file marker was not found.
The ‘startxref’ keyword or the xref position was not found.
The end-of-file marker was not found.
如果我省略了对 delete() 和 renameTo() 的调用,我会留下两个文件,这两个文件都没有损坏。我还尝试使用具有相同结果的 byte[] 复制文件内容。我试过 outFile.renameTo(new File(inFile.toString()) 因为 inFile 实际上是 File 的子类,结果相同。我尝试了 new FileDescriptor().sync(),结果相同。我尝试添加这个在每个文件操作之间进行广播,结果相同:
PdfRotateService.appContext.sendBroadcast(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED, Uri
我尝试过以相同的结果休眠线程。我已经验证路径是正确的。不会抛出异常,并且 delele() 和 renameTo() 返回 true。我还尝试保留对 FileOutputStream 的引用并在 finally 块中手动关闭它。
我开始认为 Android 操作系统或其他东西中存在错误(但也许我忽略了一些简单的东西),请帮忙!我想要一个与原始文件名相同的旋转 Pdf。
static boolean rotatePdf(LocalFile inFile, int angle)
PdfReader reader = null;
PdfStamper stamper = null;
LocalFile outFile = getGoodFile(inFile, ROTATE_SUFFIX);
boolean worked = true;
reader = new PdfReader(inFile.toString());
stamper = new PdfStamper(reader, new FileOutputStream(outFile));
int i = FIRST_PAGE;
int l = reader.getNumberOfPages();
for (; i <= l; ++i)
int desiredRot = angle;
PdfDictionary pageDict = reader.getPageN(i);
PdfNumber rotation = pageDict.getAsNumber(PdfName.ROTATE);
if (rotation != null)
desiredRot += rotation.intValue();
desiredRot %= 360;
// else
// worked = false;
pageDict.put(PdfName.ROTATE, new PdfNumber(desiredRot));
} catch (IOException e)
worked = false;
Log.w("Rotate", "Caught IOException in rotate");
} catch (DocumentException e)
worked = false;
Log.w("Rotate", "Caught DocumentException in rotate");
} finally
boolean z = closeQuietly(stamper);
boolean y = closeQuietly(reader);
if (!(y && z))
worked = false;
if (worked)
if (!inFile.delete())
worked = false;
if (!outFile.renameTo(inFile))
worked = false;
return worked;
static boolean closeQuietly(Object resource)
if (resource != null)
if (resource instanceof PdfReader)
((PdfReader) resource).close();
else if (resource instanceof PdfStamper)
((PdfStamper) resource).close();
((Closeable) resource).close();
return true;
} catch (Exception ex)
Log.w("Exception during Resource.close()", ex);
return false;
public static LocalFile getGoodFile(LocalFile inFile, String suffix)
String outString = inFile.getParent() + DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR +
removeExtension(inFile.getName()) + suffix + getExtension(inFile.getName());
LocalFile outFile = new LocalFile(inFile.getParent() + DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR +
removeExtension(inFile.getName()) + suffix + getExtension(inFile.getName()));
int n = 1;
while (outFile.isFile())
outFile = new LocalFile(inFile.getParent() + DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR +
removeExtension(inFile.getName()) + suffix + n + getExtension(inFile.getName()));
return outFile;