I want to create an index for my SQL Table Column I have also asked a Question before here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17842488/index-similar-records-sql-server

I just need to know that I have created a Query that I want to copy my all data from my existing table to a new table! the query is to be executed using Java Platform!

 Statement stat=con.createStatement();
 ResultSet ss;
 String s="Select * INTO log2 FROM log SELECT *, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY ip) basescore from log";

The problem is that it creates a table named log2 as a new table for me and a column basescore WITHOUT any values to be generated! I don't why it is not working with Java because I have tried it with SQL Server Query and it executes Successfully! Please can somebody help me please I will be thankful to him please


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SELECT *, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY ip) basescore INTO log2 FROM log


于 2013-07-25T09:45:32.390 回答