我发现这段 Java 代码有一个奇怪的行为。我需要存储一个以整数作为键的映射(用于标识实体)和一个文章列表(基本上是一个 Java bean),所以我以这种方式定义它:

HashMap<Integer, List<Article>> articles = new HashMap<Integer, List<Article>>();


List<Article> topic_articles = new ArrayList<Article>();
topic_articles = emFactory.getRelatedArticle(ticket, list_1, true); 
articles.put(15, new ArrayList<Article>(topic_articles));
for (Article article : topic_articles ) {
    logger.debug("DEBUG ### " + article.getTitle() + " - " + article.getWeight());

topic_articles = new ArrayList<Article>();
topic_articles = emFactory.getRelatedArticle(ticket, list_2, true); 
articles.put(18, new ArrayList<Article>(topic_articles));
for (Article article : topic_articles ) {
    logger.debug("DEBUG ### " + article.getTitle() + " - " + article.getWeight());


DEBUG ### How to start eating healthier - 1980
DEBUG ### Food label claims - 1980
DEBUG ### The glycemic index and carb confusion - 1980
DEBUG ### What is Health Check - 1980
DEBUG ### Why you should keep a food journal - 1980
DEBUG ### The sweet and lowdown on alternatives to white sugar - 1980
DEBUG ### An apple a day really can keep the doctor away - 1650
DEBUG ### Canada's new and improved food guide - 1650
DEBUG ### Choosing the right cooking oil - 1650
DEBUG ### How much fibre is in food? - 1650

DEBUG ### The glycemic index and carb confusion - 768
DEBUG ### The importance of weight management in diabetes - 768
DEBUG ### Why fibre is a friend to people with diabetes - 768
DEBUG ### Healthy recipes - 768
DEBUG ### Diabetes diet makeover - 768
DEBUG ### Exercise and your blood sugar - 768
DEBUG ### Make your favourite recipes diabetes-friendly - 768
DEBUG ### Why you should keep a food journal - 640
DEBUG ### Overweight or obese? - 512
DEBUG ### Diet + exercise = weight loss - 512


for ( Map.Entry<Integer, List<Article>> entry : articles.entrySet() ) {

    logger.debug("####### Pipeline : " + entry.getKey() );
    for ( Article article : entry.getValue() ) {
        logger.debug("DEBUG ### " + article.getTitle() + " - " + article.getWeight());



####### List : 1
DEBUG ### The glycemic index and carb confusion - 768
DEBUG ### The importance of weight management in diabetes - 768
DEBUG ### Why fibre is a friend to people with diabetes - 768
DEBUG ### Healthy recipes - 768
DEBUG ### Diabetes diet makeover - 768
DEBUG ### Exercise and your blood sugar - 768
DEBUG ### Make your favourite recipes diabetes-friendly - 768
DEBUG ### Why you should keep a food journal - 640
DEBUG ### Overweight or obese? - 512
DEBUG ### Diet + exercise = weight loss - 512
####### List : 2
DEBUG ### How to start eating healthier - 1980
DEBUG ### Food label claims - 1980
DEBUG ### The glycemic index and carb confusion - 768
DEBUG ### What is Health Check - 1980
DEBUG ### Why you should keep a food journal - 1980
DEBUG ### The sweet and lowdown on alternatives to white sugar - 1980
DEBUG ### An apple a day really can keep the doctor away - 1650
DEBUG ### Canada's new and improved food guide - 1650
DEBUG ### Choosing the right cooking oil - 1650
DEBUG ### How much fibre is in food? - 1650

怎么了????似乎我第二次将列表放在地图上时,与第一个列表具有相同标题的元素被第二个列表覆盖。基本上位置是正确的,但重量不是。我正在使用 Java 1.6




1 回答 1


所以问题似乎是,在您制作 list_2 后,list_1 中标题为“血糖指数和碳水化合物混淆”的文章的权重更改为与 list_2 中的等效文章具有相同的值。您确定emFactory.getRelatedArticle(ticket, list_2, true);当找到具有相同标题的文章时调用返回不同的对象吗?显然你期待/假设这一点,但你确认这是实际发生的事情吗?


List<Article> topic_articles1 = emFactory.getRelatedArticle(ticket, list_1, true); 
articles.put(15, new ArrayList<Article>(topic_articles1));
List<Article> topic_articles2 = emFactory.getRelatedArticle(ticket, list_2, true); 
articles.put(18, new ArrayList<Article>(topic_articles2));

for (Article article : topic_articles1 ) {
    logger.debug("DEBUG ### " + article.getTitle() + " - " + article.getWeight());
for (Article article : topic_articles2 ) {
    logger.debug("DEBUG ### " + article.getTitle() + " - " + article.getWeight());
于 2013-07-24T23:02:28.543 回答