If you want to update the contents of the <Value>
element of the <JP>
tag that has a <Name>Email Addresses</Name>
value, then you can use something like this:
;WITH XmlEmail AS
SomeUniqueID, // some unique/primary key ID from your table - adapt as needed!
JPReq = XJP.value('(IsRequired)[1]', 'varchar(20)'),
JPName = XJP.value('(Name)[1]', 'varchar(20)'),
JPValue = XJP.value('(Value)[1]', 'varchar(20)')
YourXmlColumn.nodes('/JPS/P/JP[Name="Email Addresses"]') AS XTbl(XJP)
UPDATE dbo.YourTable
SET YourXmlColumn.modify('replace value of (/JPS/P/JP[Name="Email Addresses"]/Value/text())[1] with "newmail@test.tst"')
FROM XmlEmail xe
WHERE dbo.YourTable.SomeUniqueID = xe.SomeUniqueID
This will update all rows, and all <JP>/<Value>
nodes to the same value - is that what you're looking for?
Update: added support for checking and updating only those rows where the XML column actually does contain a <JP>
tag with Email Addresses
as its name - it requires that there is a primary key on your table (not sure what it is, since you didn't say anything about it) .... I've used SomeUniqueID
as column name - adapt to your table as needed!