for (var i = 0; i < 50; i++) (function(i) {
jQuery('#skin_'+i).click( function() {
var result = $('#idskin_'+i).val();
url: 'ajax.php',
dataType : 'json',
data: { 'dataString': result },
beforeSend: function(){
success: function(output_string){
background: "url("+output_string['textu']+")",
border: "1px solid "+output_string['color']
background: "url("+output_string['textu']+")",
border: "1px solid "+output_string['color']
background: "url("+output_string['textu']+")",
border: "1px solid "+output_string['color']
} // End of success function of ajax form
})(i); //for
一切正常,直到我尝试像这样在这个 ajax 函数中创建一个函数(我将只指出成功的代码块):
success: function(output_string){
jQuery.exists = function exists(){
background: "url("+output_string['textu']+")",
border: "1px solid "+output_string['color']
background: "url("+output_string['textu']+")",
border: "1px solid "+output_string['color']
background: "url("+output_string['textu']+")",
border: "1px solid "+output_string['color']
}); //end of custom function
} // End of success function of ajax form