I am trying to write a script to pull dates for the next 7 days and put them into a div for each date :
echo '<div class="dateboxcontainer">';
for($i=0; $i<=6; $i++){
echo '<div class="datebox"><div class="topdate">'.strtoupper(date("D d", mktime(0, 0, 0, 0, date("d")+$i, 0))."\n").
'</div><div class="bottomdate">An appointment for the day</div></div>';
echo '</div>';
Im now trying to pull data from my database from two fields 'datedroppingoff' and 'datepickingup', which are formatted like this '2013-07-10 14:29:28'.
Im kind of stuck though as im not sure what query to write to put the appointments for each day into each day div where 'some info' currently sits.
Im guessing it would be something like
Select * FROM jobdetails WHERE datedroppingoff OR datepickingup = WHATEVER DAY IS BEING ECHO'D OUT
but im not quite sure how I can compare the date stored in jobdetails for that row to the date being echo'd out ?.
Thanks for the answers below, iv managed to come up with the following, it echos out the date boxes ok, but doesnt bring in any data, so im not sure if I have the sql part correct ?.
echo '<div class="dateboxcontainer">';
$eventdata = <<<SQL
FROM `jobdetails`
if(!$events = $db->query($eventdata)){
die('There was an error running the query [' . $db->error . ']');
// read first event
if ($nextEvent = mysql_fetch_assoc($events)) { // here is the first one
extract($nextEvent); // prepare its variables
// use the event date it to control the inner loop
$nextDate = $datedroppingoff;
} else // no events?
$nextDate = 0; // prepare a fake date value
// calculate today date
$currentDate = mktime();
// loop on the dates for the next 7 days
for ($i = 0 ; $i < 7; $i++) {
$currentEvents = "";
// loop to print every event for current day (first one already extracted)
while ($nextDate == date("Y-m-d", $currentDate)) { // next event occurs today
// here prepare the var containing the event description
// BTW, I'd use a list for the events
$currentEvents .= "· $name<br>"; // use every field you need from current DB row
// read next event
if ($nextEvent = mysql_fetch_assoc($events)) { // here is the next one
extract($nextEvent); // prepare its variables
// use the event date it to control the inner loop
$nextDate = $datedroppingoff;
} else // no more events?
$nextDate = 0; // prepare a fake date value
echo "
<div class='datebox'>
<div class='topdate'>" . strtoupper(date("D d m Y", $currentDate)) . "</div>
<div class='bottomdate'>$currentEvents</div>
$currentDate = strtotime("+1 day", $currentDate);
echo '</div>';