when I do 5.2 - 2.3 in ghci I'll get 2.9000000000000004 instead of 2.9. Also such ugly (and for a human WRONG) results shows up on other places when working with Double or Float.
Why does this happen? (this is just for curiosity, not my real question)
My real question: How do I tell ghci to not do that, and show the results of Operations on Doubles just as any other programming language (and calculator) would and just as every 15 year old would write them?
This is just so annoying when I use ghci as a nice calculator and work on lists on which I perform such operations.
map ((-)2.3) [4.0, 3.8, 5.2, 6.4, 1.3, 8.3, 13.7, 9.0, 7.5, 2.4]
This just doesn't help when using the numbers on a piece of paper afterwards
Thanks in advance :)