I want to loop through all the words in an HTML document, and add a span to the word if the word is an arabic word. Any idea on how this can be done in jQuery?

I have tried the following:

    var text = $('body').text().split(' ');
        for( var i = 0, len=text.length; i<len; i++ ) {

            var mytext = $(this).val();
            var arabic = /[\u0600-\u06FF]/;
              text[i] = '<span class="arabic">' + text[i]  +  '</span>';
            $(this).html(text.join(' '));    

But it doesn't appear to me that the .text method is the way to go. Any ideas?


1 回答 1


您需要在低于通常使用 jQuery 的级别执行此操作: 文本节点。

这个 HTML:

<p>Hi there</p>

生成一个p包含单个文本节点的元素。通常使用 jQuery,您只使用元素,但要以非破坏性方式执行您正在执行的操作(不删除和重新创建所有元素,这将取消所有事件处理程序的挂钩),您需要在节点级别工作,使用DOMsplitTextinsertBefore方法等工具。


我在 Stack Overflow 上的另一个答案向您展示了如何遍历文档的文本节点,在其中定位文本,将其拆分并放入包装元素(在您的情况下为span)。在这种情况下,代码使用简单的正则表达式来查找看起来像链接的文本并将其变成实际链接,例如更改:

<p>I found this information at http://stackoverflow.com.</p>

<p>I found this information at <a href="http://stackoverflow.com">http://stackoverflow.com</a>.</p>



// The regex matches a series of characters in the given range.
// (Double-check this, I believe there's a second Arabic range in
// the Unicode standard, but I know next to nothing about Arabic.)
walk(document.body, /[\u0600-\u06FF]+/);

function walk(node, targetRe) {
  var child;

  switch (node.nodeType) {
    case 1: // Element
      for (child = node.firstChild;
           child = child.nextSibling) {
        walk(child, targetRe);

    case 3: // Text node
      handleText(node, targetRe);

function handleText(node, targetRe) {
  var match, targetNode, followingNode, wrapper;

  // Does the text contain our target string?
  match = targetRe.exec(node.nodeValue);
  if (match) {
    // Split at the beginning of the match
    targetNode = node.splitText(match.index);

    // Split at the end of the match.
    // match[0] is the full text that was matched.
    followingNode = targetNode.splitText(match[0].length);

    // Wrap the target in an `span` element with an `arabic` class.
    // First we create the wrapper and insert it in front
    // of the target text. We use the first capture group
    // as the `href`.
    wrapper = document.createElement('span');
    wrapper.className = "arabic";
    targetNode.parentNode.insertBefore(wrapper, targetNode);

    // Now we move the target text inside it

    // Clean up any empty nodes (in case the target text
    // was at the beginning or end of a text node)
    if (node.nodeValue.length == 0) {
    if (followingNode.nodeValue.length == 0) {

    // Continue with the next match in the node, if any
    match = followingNode
      ? targetRe.exec(followingNode.nodeValue)
      : null;


于 2013-07-20T15:51:13.843 回答