当我从终端运行任何 git 命令时,我正在变暖。我认为这是一个许可问题,但似乎无法解决。谁能指出我正确的方向?下面是我的 .config 文件的升温和内容

Innos-MacBook-Pro:turnit_try innomanyo$ git status
warning: unable to access '/Users/innomanyo/.config/git/config': Not a directory
warning: unable to access '/Users/innomanyo/.config/git/config': Not a directory
warning: unable to access '/Users/innomanyo/.config/git/config': Not a directory

Innos-MacBook-Pro:~ innomanyo$ cat .config
# bash completion related
source ~/git-completion.bash
alias gco='git co'
alias gci='git ci'
alias grb='git rb'

-rw-r--r--    1 innomanyo  staff    112 Jul 19 12:09 .config

1 回答 1


Your .config file should be a directory. This is a newish standard location on posix systems for applications data. So you will need to remove this file and replace it with a .config directory. Looks like what you have should be in .bashrc. If you do this:

cat .config >> .bashrc
rm .config
mkdir -p .config/git/config

Then you will be back on track and your other applications will be happy as well.

于 2013-07-19T19:29:55.293 回答