So I realize that the docs have the list of node types for the Node class, but from poking around, I can't seem to find a way to programmatically get a list of available nodeType
s for a given Node object (short of inspecting the class, pulling every all caps member with a name ending in 'NODE', and then sorting by value). Is there any way to do this?
1525 次
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from xml.dom import Node
from collections import OrderedDict
if not hasattr(Node, 'get_all_node_types'):
def get_all_node_types(cls, refresh=False):
if not hasattr(cls, '_type_dict') or refresh:
unsorted_types = {getattr(cls, name) : name for name in dir(cls) if name.endswith('_NODE')}
cls._type_dict = OrderedDict(sorted(unsorted_types.items(), key = lambda t : t[0]))
return cls._type_dict
setattr(Node, 'get_all_node_types', get_all_node_types)
于 2012-06-21T14:13:31.513 回答