Here is my problem:

My application is a distributed real-time message broker for web applications. Clients from web-browsers connect to one of the application nodes. Those nodes connected by ZeroMQ PUB/SUB mechanism. If one client sends message - node publishes it into PUB socket, other nodes receive those message from SUB socket and send it to their own connected clients.

But now I need presence and history functionality. Presence - provide a list, containing description of all connected (to all nodes) clients. History - provide a list of last several messages sent. I.e. I need to get entire state of application. I consider several ways to achieve it:

1) Send all information about connected clients to central server. Then when a client asks for presence - ask central server and return response to client.

2) Keep all information on every node. When client connect to any node send information about it to other nodes - using PUBLISH operation. So when a client asks for presence I can immediately return a response.

3) Gather information on demand from all nodes. I really can’t imagine how to program this at moment but this allows to get rid of duplicating information that leads to reducing memory consuption. In this case I don’t need to worry about fitting all information in memory.

4) Use some distributed data store, something like Dooserd. But I don’t like this idea because of extra dependency.

Client needs presence information on every connect to the node, presence information changes on every client's connect/disconnect, history information changes on every message.

This is an open-source application, so I don't know how much connected clients it must support. Load tests in the end will say this number.

There is no strong requirement about reliability of those presence and history data.

I really need your advice, which of these options is the right way to solve my problem. Or maybe there is another better way?


2 回答 2




这可能最接近您列表中的选项 3。


另一个供您考虑的想法:您知道0MQ 的集群哈希图协议吗?我认为您可以使用它(或受到它的启发)来推送有关客户端连接到的那些通道的存在和历史数据,而不是让它们从应用程序服务器中提取它。

编辑:我阅读了 CHP 协议,自从我阅读指南以来已经有一段时间了。

CHP 服务器将 hashmap 数据中的所有更改发布给所有订阅客户端。订阅者过滤数据。这就是订阅 0MQ 主题的方式,而不仅仅是 CHP。但是,如果服务器托管许多频道但客户通常只对少数几个频道感兴趣,那么您的客户可能需要大量咀嚼数据。




  • 客户端首先订阅更新,然后发出状态请求。这保证了状态将比它拥有的最旧的更新更新。

  • 客户端等待服务器回复状态,同时将所有更新排队。它只是通过不读取它们来做到这一点:ØMQ 让它们在套接字队列中排队。

  • 当客户端收到其状态更新时,它会再次开始读取更新。但是,它会丢弃任何早于状态更新的更新。因此,如果状态更新包括最多 200 的更新,客户端将丢弃最多 201 的更新。

  • 然后客户端将更新应用到它自己的状态快照。


于 2013-07-28T23:12:07.943 回答



我认为最简单的解决方案是使用 Redis 之类的东西。它很稳定,被许多公司使用(包括我所知的 SO),它非常快速且非常灵活,很容易实现历史记录的上限列表。迭代您的需求将非常容易,因为您可以快速更改功能。



于 2013-07-25T01:01:52.337 回答