我在优化查询时遇到问题,可以使用一些帮助。我目前正在一个系统中提取事件,该系统必须加入其他几个表以确保应该显示事件等......查询运行顺利(大约 480 毫秒),直到我在混合中引入另一个表。查询如下:
`venue`.`name` AS venue_name,
`venue`.`zip`, ase.region_id,
(DATE(NOW()) BETWEEN...AND ase.region_id IS NULL) as featured,
getDistance(`venue`.`lat`, `venue`.`lng`, 36.073, -79.7903) as distance,
`network_exclusion`.`id` as net_exc_id
FROM (`event_search_flat` esf)
# Problematic part of query (pulling in the very next date for the event)
SELECT event_id, MIN(TIMESTAMP(CONCAT(event_date.date, ' ', event_date.end_time))) AS next_date FROM event_date WHERE
event_date.date >= CURDATE() OR (event_date.date = CURDATE() AND TIME(event_date.end_time) >= TIME(NOW()))
GROUP BY event_id
) edate ON edate.event_id=esf.object_id
# Pull in associated ad space
LEFT JOIN `ad_space` ads ON `ads`.`data_type`=`esf`.`data_type` AND ads.object_id=esf.object_id
# and make sure it is featured within region
LEFT JOIN `ad_space_exclusion` ase ON ase.ad_space_id=ads.id AND region_id =5
# Get venue details
LEFT JOIN `venue` ON `esf`.`venue_id`=`venue`.`id`
# Make sure this event should be listed
LEFT JOIN `network_exclusion` ON network_exclusion.data_type=esf.data_type
AND network_exclusion.object_id=esf.object_id
AND network_exclusion.region_id=5
WHERE `esf`.`event_type` IN ('things to do')
AND (`edate`.`next_date` >= '2013-07-18 16:23:53')
GROUP BY `esf`.`esf_id`
HAVING `net_exc_id` IS NULL
AND `distance` <= 40
ORDER BY DATE(edate.next_date) asc,
`distance` asc
似乎问题出在 event_date 表上,但我不确定如何优化此查询(我尝试了各种视图、索引等...无济于事)。我运行 EXPLAIN 并收到以下信息:http ://cl.ly/image/3r3u1o0n2A46 。
目前,查询需要 6.6 秒。任何帮助将不胜感激。