Having followed the Ray Wenderlich Parse + Core Data + AFNetworking tutorial, it seems that he pulls JSON from Parse by creating an AFHTTPRequestOperation object using an NSMutableURLRequest and then adds that operation to a queue via enqueueBatchOfHTTPRequestOperations:(NSArray *)operations progressBlock:(void (^__strong)(NSUInteger, NSUInteger))progressBlock completionBlock:(void (^__strong)(NSArray *__strong))completionBlock.

My question is: Is it possible to process an AFHTTPRequestOperation immediately (rather than adding it to queue) so that the subsequent line of code processes once the request has been fully processed? Is this bad form?

What I am actually trying to do: If a requested object does not exist locally, then attempt to download it from Parse. If that request fails, assume (for now) that the object does not exist on Parse. If that request succeeds, then the user can now start using that object locally.

Advanced apologies if this is a dumb question as I am new to AFNetworking and any kind of data synchronization...also the few iOS developer friends I have have never used AFNetworking / Parse / any kind of data synchronization.


1 回答 1


大多数人认为它是不好的形式,尽管我理解想在你开始时尝试它。我建议永远不要在您提交到 App Store 的代码中这样做。这里有一些关于同一件事的讨论:同步 AFNetworking 调用

于 2013-07-18T19:58:14.463 回答