
data_dict = {'ind' : [1, 2, 3, 4], 'location' : [301, 301, 302, 303], 'ind_var' : [4, 8, 10, 15], 'loc_var' : [1, 1, 7, 3]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data_dict)

df_indexed = df.set_index(['ind', 'location'])


           ind_var loc_var
ind location        
1   301      4      1
2   301      8      1
3   302     10      7
4   303     15      3

ind_var 是一个因 ind(= 个体)而异的变量,而 loc_var 因位置而异。(我还有一个因 ind 和位置而异的额外变量,但我省略了它以简化演示)

我需要转换数据以使每个单独的索引都包含所有可能的位置。我可以用这种方式重新索引(只显示个人 1 到 3):

new_shape = [(1, 301), (1, 302), (1, 303), (2, 301), (2, 302), (2, 303), (3, 301), (3, 302), (3, 303)]
idx = pd.Index(new_shape)
df2 = df_indexed.reindex(idx, method = None)
df2.index.names = ['id', 'location']


        ind_var loc_var
id  location        
1   301     4     1
    302    NaN   NaN
    303    NaN   NaN
2   301     8     1
    302    NaN   NaN
    303    NaN   NaN
3   301    NaN   NaN
    302    10     7
    303    NaN   NaN


        ind_var loc_var
id  location        
1   301     4     1
    302     4     7
    303     4     3
2   301     8     1
    302     8     7
    303     8     3
3   301    10     1
    302    10     7
    303    10     3


1) 使用 loc_dict = {301 : 1, 302 : 7, 303 : 3} 替换 loc_var 并使用 ind_dict = {1 : 4, 2: 8, 3: 10, 4 : 15} 替换 ind_var

2) 使用 groupby 方法。

# First reset index
df_non_indexed = df2.reset_index() 
df_non_indexed['loc_var'] = df_non_indexed.groupby(['location'])['loc_var'].transform(lambda x: x.fillna(method='ffill')) 





2 回答 2



In [41]: loc_dict = {301 : 1, 302 : 7, 303 : 3}

In [42]: ind_dict = {1 : 4, 2: 8, 3: 10}

In [198]: df2 = df2.reset_index()

In [199]: df2
   index  id  location  ind_var  loc_var
0      0   1       301        4        1
1      1   1       302      NaN      NaN
2      2   1       303      NaN      NaN
3      3   2       301        8        1
4      4   2       302      NaN      NaN
5      5   2       303      NaN      NaN
6      6   3       301      NaN      NaN
7      7   3       302       10        7
8      8   3       303      NaN      NaN

In [200]: df2['ind_var'] = df2.id.map(ind_dict)

In [201]: df2['loc_var'] = df2.location.map(loc_dict)

In [202]: df2
   index  id  location  ind_var  loc_var
0      0   1       301        4        1
1      1   1       302        4        7
2      2   1       303        4        3
3      3   2       301        8        1
4      4   2       302        8        7
5      5   2       303        8        3
6      6   3       301       10        1
7      7   3       302       10        7
8      8   3       303       10        3

In [203]: df2 = df2.set_index(['id', 'location'])

In [204]: df2
             index  ind_var  loc_var
id location                         
1  301           0        4        1
   302           1        4        7
   303           2        4        3
2  301           3        8        1
   302           4        8        7
   303           5        8        3
3  301           6       10        1
   302           7       10        7
   303           8       10        3
于 2013-07-18T18:48:36.940 回答


# unstack to wide, fillna as 0s
df_wide = df_indexed.unstack().fillna(0)
# stack back to long
df_long = df_wide.stack()
# change 0s to max using groupby.
df_long['ind_var'] = df_long['ind_var'].groupby(level = 0).transform(lambda x: x.max())
df_long['loc_var'] = df_long['loc_var'].groupby(level = 1).transform(lambda x: x.max())
print df_long


                   ind_var  loc_var
ind location                  
1   301             4        1
    302             4        7
    303             4        3
2   301             8        1
    302             8        7
    303             8        3
3   301            10        1
    302            10        7
    303            10        3
4   301            15        1
    302            15        7
    303            15        3
于 2014-08-14T00:22:57.667 回答