
I want know what could be the various ways to compare the same image enhanced by various image enhancement techniques not visually but mathematically?

For example: (i) May be (I am not sure) one could look at their histograms and calculate the variance of them. One with the highest variance might be the best technique? or

(ii) Randomly, pick a local region in all the enhanced images and compute again variance or look at the difference of the max. and min. values of that local region. One with highest variance or difference might be the best?

Thanks a lot.


2 回答 2


比较图像的两个常用指标是均方误差 (MSE)峰值信噪比 (PSNR)

于 2013-07-19T03:29:11.703 回答


例如,对于去噪和去模糊之类的东西,PSNR 和 MSE 可能是合适的,尤其是当您可以访问可以将增强图像与之进行比较的真实图像时。

另一方面,审美提升可能更难量化,因为它需要一定程度的主观性。该领域被高度引用的作品是: 使用计算方法研究摄影图像中的美学 您可以查看其中的引用以获取相关参考。

于 2013-07-19T04:19:41.430 回答