how can I create a window and load A.aspx to the inside of this window,but I wanna render window to the form1 element.(Main.aspx).when I clcik the button run my script and load it.(I need to iframe also)

something like this.

    function CretaeWindow(Id, title, path, width, height, icon) {
        var win = new Ext.Window({
            title: title
            , width: width
            , height: height
            , renderTo: Ext.getBody()
            , flex: "1"
            , closeAction: "destroy"
             , Layout: "Anchor"
             , iconCls: icon
            , modal: true
            , loader: {
                url: path,
                renderer: "frame",
                loadMask: {
                    showMask: true,
                    msg: "loading.."


however I at this time I coulnt reach the this window Id from codebehind :)


1 回答 1


从您的代码中,您似乎没有为窗口分配任何 ID,这将使 ext 为其生成一个随机 ID,分配一个 ID 以便能够找到它

于 2013-07-20T15:09:57.293 回答