我有一些 scala 类和测试规范:
class Testable extends Logging {
def method() = {
// some method calls
class TestableSpec extends Specification with ShouldMatchers with Mockito {
"Testable instance" should {
// some important tests
"print proper log message during method call" in {
// And how to test that logger really prints proper message ("Message1")?
我的第一个想法是拦截底层记录器引擎消息,但由于在 Testable 类中使用了 mixins,这似乎有点难以实现,因此任何做这些事情的想法都会非常有帮助。
更新: 我终于实施了一项测试,并决定与社区分享我的解决方案。我们不能直接模拟 scalalogging.Logger 类,因为它是最终的,但我们仍然可以模拟底层的 slf4j Logger。澄清一个想法:
class Testable extends Logging {
def foo() = {
// ...
logger.info("Foo has been called")
// Another imports are omitted.
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.slf4j.Logger
import org.slf4j.{Logger => Underlying}
class TestableSpec extends Specification with Mockito with ShouldMatchers {
def initTestable(mocked: Underlying): Testable = {
new Testable() {
override lazy val logger = Logger(mocked)
"Testable instance" should {
"invoke logger with a proper message" in {
val mocked = mock[Underlying]
mocked.isInfoEnabled returns true // Should be set to true for test
there was one(mocked).info("Foo has been called")