
import org.specs2._

class DemoSpec2 extends Specification {
  def is = s2"""

  This is a specification to check the 'Hello world' string

  The 'Hello world' string should
    contain 11 characters              ${Set11().e1}        ${tag("feature")}
    start with 'Hello'                 ${Set2().e2}         ${tag("abc")}


  case class Set11(){ def e1 = 1 must_== 1 }
  case class Set2(){ def e2 = 1 must_== 1 }



[info]   The 'Hello world' string should
[info]     + contain 11 characters
[info]     + start with 'Hello'



1 回答 1


你没有做错任何事,这是一个报告错误(在最新的 2.2-SNAPSHOT 中修复)。与此同时,如果你抑制空格,事情应该没问题:

import org.specs2._

class DemoSpec2 extends Specification {
  def is = s2"""

  This is a specification to check the 'Hello world' string

  The 'Hello world' string should
    contain 11 characters              ${Set11().e1}${("feature")}
    start with 'Hello'                 ${Set2().e2}${tag("abc")}

  case class Set11(){ def e1 = 1 must_== 1 }
  case class Set2(){ def e2 = 1 must_== 1 }
于 2013-07-19T00:10:02.793 回答