This was recently asked to a friend in an interview and we do not know of any solution other than the simple O(n3) one.

Is there some better algorithm?

The question is to find all triplets in an integer array whose sum is less than or equal to given sum S.

Note: I have seen other such problems on SO with performance O(n2log n) but all of them were solving the easier version of this problem like where arr[i] + arr[j] + arr[k] = S or where they were only checking whether one such triplet exists.

My question is to find out all i,j,k in arr[] such that arr[i] + arr[j] + arr[k] <= S


5 回答 5



预处理(删除元素 > S)并首先对数组进行排序。

然后,在你拿起arr[i]arr[j]where之后i < j,你可以S - arr[i] - arr[j]在剩下的array[j+1...n]. 对 index 进行二进制搜索后mk可能位于j+1和之间m


于 2013-07-18T04:41:12.680 回答

从最坏情况的渐近角度来看,没有更好的算法,因为输出的大小可能是 O(n 3 )。

例如,让数组是数字 1 到n。让S = 3n. 显然,三个数组元素的任何子集都会小于S并且存在(n choose 3) = O(n³)子集。


于 2013-07-18T04:10:55.757 回答


如果应用于排序列表(升序),只需逐个f列出总和小于或等于 的三元组,而不会创建重复项或扫描过第一个太大的元素。s


f []     s result = if length result == 3 then [result] else []
f (x:xs) s result
  | length result == 3   = [result]
  | x + sum result > s   = []
  | otherwise            = f xs s (x:result) ++ f xs s result


*Main> length $ f [1..300] 300 []
(5.09 secs, 402637784 bytes)

*Main> f [1..10] 13 []
于 2013-07-20T03:58:21.907 回答

我将原始答案保留在下面,但这实际上可以在 O(n) 中解决。我的新解决方案使用队列来跟踪三胞胎。它只返回三元组的数量,但如果需要,您可以创建一个列表来轻松跟踪三元组列表。

    class Queue (object):
      def __init__ (self):
        self.queue = []
        self.itemCount = 0

      def enqueue (self, item):
        self.queue.append (item)
        self.itemCount += 1

      def dequeue (self):
        self.itemCount += 1
        return (self.queue.pop(0))

    def findAllTriplets(li,S):
      if len(li) < 3:
        return "Not enough elements for triplets"
      tQ = Queue() # Queue to keep track of data
      tripletNum = 0 # Integer to track number of triplets to be returned
      tripletSum = 0 # Value of sum of consecutive list items for tripletNum evaluation
      for number in li:
        # Add the number to the queue immediately and add it to the current triplet sum
        tripletSum += number
        # For the first 3 numbers only enqueue and add to the sum
        if tQ.itemCount < 3:
        # Afterwards, check if the sum of the latest three is less than S
          if(tripletSum <= S):
            tripletNum += 1
          # Dequeue the oldest element in the queue and subtract it from the tracked triplet sum
          tripletSum -= tQ.dequeue()
      return tripletNum

我相信这个算法应该在 O(N 2 ) 中解决问题。不过,您应该事先对数组进行排序。

本质上,我只是通过在剩余索引 (k) 中搜索小于或等于 x(或您的情况下为 S)的所有总和来找到所有可能的三元组,其中第一个索引 i 为零,下一个索引为 j。之后,我将 j 增加 1 并重复该过程。一旦 j 到达数组的末尾,我就开始这个过程,我的 i 现在是 i + 1 并继续直到 i 等于倒数第二个索引值(因为那时没有可能的三元组了)。


def numTriplets(a,x):
   if len(a) < 3:
       return None
   i = 0
   j = 1
   triplets = []
   while True:
      for k in range(j+1,len(a)):
         if a[i] + a[j] + a[k] <= x:
      j += 1
      if j == len(a) - 1:
         i += 1
         j = i + 1
      if i == len(a) - 2:
         return triplets
于 2016-12-16T15:21:37.130 回答

这可以在 O(n 2 ) 复杂度中解决。

首先对数字进行排序 → O(nlog(n))

现在从前面开始,一次固定一个数字。现在问题减少到在排序数组中找到 2 个数字,其总和 <= 给定总和。使用 2 个指针,一个从开始,一个从结束,这可以在 O(n) 中解决。所以整体复杂度是 O(n 2 )

于 2016-08-28T06:59:32.880 回答