
我想在我的 wordpress 网站的每个页面中使用一个公共链接。我希望它显示为按钮、图像或信息图,当单击它时,它会在新窗口中打开一个新页面。我希望将图像用作按钮,并将其应用于网站的每个页面。

但是如何?如何使用可点击的图像作为 wordpress 中的按钮?


2 回答 2


I assume from your question that you do not search for code , but more like an advice on how to do so using the normal wordpress UI ..

If that is the case , All you have to do is specify the LINK for the image in the media upload dialog when you insert the image ..

That being said, I believe that what you want to do , again , if I understood right, is a misuse of the wordpress as a system. Wordpress is not , and should not IMHO , be used like an old fashioned HTML page where everything is made manually ..

And again, it is also possible that I understood you wrong . if so, please elaborate a bit ..

于 2013-04-10T11:46:11.543 回答

如果您正在寻找一种将图像链接到其他页面的方法,请确保使用相应的标签包装您的标签。要在新窗口中打开链接,请在锚标记中使用 target="_blank"。

我同意 Obmerk Kronen 关于不将 Wordpress 用作任何其他 HTML 编辑器的观点。编辑您的模板(如果需要,使用子主题),而不是将内容硬编码到新页面或帖子中。

于 2013-04-10T12:28:28.943 回答