"FirstName":"Wedding Pro",
"DisplayName":"Wedding Pro Boland",
"Name":"Tropical Beach 1",
"Description":"Sea Cliff Country Club",
"Description":"Sea Cliff Country Club",
"Name":"Jason Boland and Ezzy Castillo's Wedding",
"Description":"We can't wait to start out our lives together with a once in a lifetime trip to the south pacific.",
"Description":"Sea Cliff Country Club",
"Description":"Sea Cliff Country Club",
@interface RKImage : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *LargeURL;
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *ImageID;
RKObjectMapping* wMapping = [RKObjectMapping mappingForClass:[RKImage class]];
[wMapping addAttributeMappingsFromDictionary:@{
//@"ImageID": @"ImageID",
@"LargeURL": @"LargeURL"
RKResponseDescriptor *responseDescriptor = [RKResponseDescriptor responseDescriptorWithMapping:wMapping pathPattern:nil keyPath:@"EventImages" statusCodes:RKStatusCodeIndexSetForClass(RKStatusCodeClassSuccessful)];
NSURL *URL = [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://myurl.cloudapp.net/api/mobilegallery/1"];
NSURLRequest *request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:URL];
RKObjectRequestOperation *objectRequestOperation = [[RKObjectRequestOperation alloc] initWithRequest:request responseDescriptors:@[ responseDescriptor ]];
[objectRequestOperation setCompletionBlockWithSuccess:^(RKObjectRequestOperation *operation, RKMappingResult *mappingResult) {
RKLogInfo(@"Load collection of Articles: %@", mappingResult.array);
} failure:^(RKObjectRequestOperation *operation, NSError *error) {
RKLogError(@"Operation failed with error: %@", error);
[objectRequestOperation start];
*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSUnknownKeyException', reason: '[<RKImage 0xa25b240> valueForUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key LargeURL.'
2013-07-17 16:04:43.168 SimplyTieGallery[1002:c07] 我 restkit.network:RKObjectRequestOperation.m:174 GET ' http://4451cfc5be9c49f4896a2dd6eeec96c9.cloudapp.net/api/mobilegallery/1' 2013-07-17 16:04:44.927 SimplyTieGallery[1002:4103] D restkit.object_mapping:RKMapperOperation.m:390 为表示执行映射操作:{ ActiveInd = 1; 参加者 = ( ); BudgetPurchasedDate = ""; BudgetPurchasedInd = 0; CeremonySchedule = { ActiveInd = 1; 地址 = ""; CreatedDate = "2013-04-11T13:11:16.803"; 日期结束 = "2013-10-08T13:11:16"; 日期开始 = "2013-10-08T13:11:16"; 描述 = “福尔柯克庄园和乡村俱乐部”;名称 = 仪式;ScheduleId = 2; 计划类型 = 1;在线显示 = 1; }; CreatedDate = "2013-04-11T13:11:13.93"; 货币类型 = 1;日期 = "2013-10-08T00:00:00"; DaysUntilWedding = "82.00:55:14.3863200"; Description = “我们很快就会成为琼斯先生和琼斯女士,等不及了!当每个人都从盛大的派对(我们的婚礼)中恢复过来时,我们将登上飞往波拉波拉岛的飞机,以盛大的方式开始我们的生活!我们很幸运有一个储备充足的家,所以我们决定使用 SimplyTie 来帮助我们创造我们能想到的最美妙的蜜月。我们非常感谢大家的爱、支持和慷慨!非常感谢很多!约翰和朱迪·琼斯”;EventImages = ( { Container = ""; ImageDesc = ""; ImageID = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; ImageName = ""; ImageType = 0;https://jjcompanies.blob.core.windows.net/eventimages/c4d56b3d-840e-4093-bdc8-8369cf05da34_l "; MediumURL = ""; RegistryItems = ""; SortOrder = 0; ThumbURL = ""; UserEvents = "" ; }, { Container = ""; ImageDesc = ""; ImageID = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; ImageName = ""; ImageType = 0; LargeURL = " https://jjcompanies.blob.core. windows.net/eventimages/cd22c262-8cbc-480b-b0ee-a4b33e248b70_l电子邮件 = "JudyMcGride@SimplyTie.com"; FacebookId = ""; 名字 = 朱迪;姓氏 = 麦克布赖德;组织者 ID = 1;组织者类型 = 0; 电话 = ""; PrimaryAccountInd = 1; VerifiedInd = 1; }, { ActiveInd = 1; 地址 = ""; CreatedDate = "2013-04-11T13:11:16.323"; 电子邮件 = "JohnJones@SimplyTie.com"; FacebookId = ""; 名字 = 约翰;姓氏 = 琼斯;组织者 ID = 2; 组织者类型 = 1;电话 = ""; PrimaryAccountInd = 0; VerifiedInd = 1; }); 支付类型 = 1; PrimaryOrganizer = { ActiveInd = 1; 地址 = ""; CreatedDate = "2013-04-11T13:11:16.32"; 电子邮件 = "JudyMcGride@SimplyTie.com"; FacebookId = ""; 名字 = 朱迪;姓氏 = 麦克布赖德;组织者 ID = 1;组织者类型 = 0; 电话 = ""; PrimaryAccountInd = 1; VerifiedInd = 1; }; PublishedDate = "2013-04-11T13:11:13.93"; PublishedInd = 1; ReceptionSchedule = { ActiveInd = 1; 地址 = ""; CreatedDate = "2013-04-11T13:11:16.803"; 日期结束 = "2013-10-08T13:11:16"; 日期开始 = "2013-10-08T13:11:16"; 说明 = " { ActiveInd = 1; 地址 = ""; CreatedDate = "2013-04-11T13:11:16.803"; 日期结束 = "2013-10-08T13:11:16"; 日期开始 = "2013-10-08T13:11:16"; 描述 = “福尔柯克庄园和乡村俱乐部”;名称 = 仪式;ScheduleId = 2; 计划类型 = 1;在线显示 = 1; }); 主题 = { AccessLevel = 1; ActiveInd = 1; LargeImage = "~/images/themes/tropical_beach_registry.jpg"; 名称=“热带海滩1”;StyleName = "热带海滩"; 主题 ID = 2; ThumbnailImage = "~/images/themes/tropical_beach_registry_t.jpg"; 类型 = 1;}; 用户 = { 可用许可证 = 0; 帐单地址 = ""; 批量许可证升级 = 0;公司 = ""; 国家 = ""; CreatedDate = "1900-01-01T00:00:00"; 当前事件 ID = 1; DisplayName = "约翰样品"; 脸书数据 = ""; FacebookLink = ""; 名字 = 约翰;性别 = 男性;模拟用户 = ""; 最后登录 = ""; 姓氏 = 样本;登录计数 = 0;支付令牌 = ""; 推荐人 ID = ""; ShipToPreference = 2; 运输地址 = ""; 用户事件 = ( ); 用户 ID = 1;用户名 = "boraborasample@simplytie.com"; 供应商 = ""; VendorInd = 0; }; 用户事件 ID = 1;} 和 targetObject: (null) 2013-07-17 16:04:44.930 SimplyTieGallery[1002:4103] T restkit.object_mapping:RKMapperOperation.m:333 检查 keyPath 'EventImages' 的可映射内容... 2013-07-17 16 :04:44.930 SimplyTieGallery[1002:4103] D restkit.object_mapping:RKMapperOperation.m:310 在 keyPath 'EventImages' 找到可映射的集合: ( { Container = ""; ImageDesc = ""; ImageID = "00000000-0000-0000- 0000-000000000000"; ImageName = ""; ImageType = 0; LargeURL = " VendorInd = 0; }; 用户事件 ID = 1;} 和 targetObject: (null) 2013-07-17 16:04:44.930 SimplyTieGallery[1002:4103] T restkit.object_mapping:RKMapperOperation.m:333 检查 keyPath 'EventImages' 的可映射内容... 2013-07-17 16 :04:44.930 SimplyTieGallery[1002:4103] D restkit.object_mapping:RKMapperOperation.m:310 在 keyPath 'EventImages' 找到可映射的集合: ( { Container = ""; ImageDesc = ""; ImageID = "00000000-0000-0000- 0000-000000000000"; ImageName = ""; ImageType = 0; LargeURL = " VendorInd = 0; }; 用户事件 ID = 1;} 和 targetObject: (null) 2013-07-17 16:04:44.930 SimplyTieGallery[1002:4103] T restkit.object_mapping:RKMapperOperation.m:333 检查 keyPath 'EventImages' 的可映射内容... 2013-07-17 16 :04:44.930 SimplyTieGallery[1002:4103] D restkit.object_mapping:RKMapperOperation.m:310 在 keyPath 'EventImages' 找到可映射的集合: ( { Container = ""; ImageDesc = ""; ImageID = "00000000-0000-0000- 0000-000000000000"; ImageName = ""; ImageType = 0; LargeURL = " 图像类型 = 0; 大网址 = " 图像类型 = 0; 大网址 = "https://jjcompanies.blob.core.windows.net/eventimages/c4d56b3d-840e-4093-bdc8-8369cf05da34_l "; MediumURL = ""; RegistryItems = ""; SortOrder = 0; ThumbURL = ""; UserEvents = "" ; }, { Container = ""; ImageDesc = ""; ImageID = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; ImageName = ""; ImageType = 0; LargeURL = " https://jjcompanies.blob.core. windows.net/eventimages/cd22c262-8cbc-480b-b0ee-a4b33e248b70_l"; MediumURL = ""; RegistryItems = ""; SortOrder = 0; ThumbURL = ""; UserEvents = ""; }) 2013-07-17 16:04:44.931 SimplyTieGallery[1002:4103] D restkit.object_mapping:RKMapperOperation .m:244 要求映射源对象 { Container = ""; ImageDesc = ""; ImageID = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; ImageName = ""; ImageType = 0; LargeURL = " https:// jjcompanies.blob.core.windows.net/eventimages/c4d56b3d-840e-4093-bdc8-8369cf05da34_l"; MediumURL = ""; RegistryItems = ""; SortOrder = 0; ThumbURL = ""; UserEvents = ""; } 映射 LargeURL>" )> 2013-07-17 16:04:44.931 SimplyTieGallery[1002:4103] D restkit.object_mapping:RKMappingOperation.m:912 开始映射操作... 2013-07-17 16:04:44.932 SimplyTieGallery[1002:4103] T restkit.object_mapping:RKMappingOperation.m:913 执行映射操作: for 'RKImage'目的。从对象映射值 { Container = ""; 图像描述 = ""; ImageID = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; 图像名称 = ""; 图像类型 = 0; LargeURL = " https://jjcompanies.blob.core.windows.net/eventimages/c4d56b3d-840e-4093-bdc8-8369cf05da34_l"; MediumURL = ""; RegistryItems = ""; SortOrder = 0; ThumbURL = ""; UserEvents = ""; } 到对象与对象映射 (null) 2013-07-17 16:04:44.932 SimplyTieGallery[1002:4103 ] T restkit.object_mapping:RKMappingOperation.m:515 映射属性值 keyPath 'LargeURL' 到 'LargeURL' 2013-07-17 16:04:44.933 SimplyTieGallery[1002:1703] D restkit.object_mapping:RKPropertyInspector.m:126 缓存属性检查类'RKImage':{ ImageID = { isPrimitive = 0; keyValueCodingClass = NSString; name = ImageID; }; LargeURL = { isPrimitive = 0; keyValueCodingClass = NSString; name = LargeURL; }; } 2013-07-17 16: 04:44.933 SimplyTieGallery[1002:4103]* 由于未捕获的异常“NSUnknownKeyException”而终止应用程序,原因:“[valueForUndefinedKey:]:此类与键 LargeURL 的键值编码不兼容。” * First throw call stack: (0x1e68012 0x1c8de7e 0x1ef0fb1 0x1962d1d 0x18cf00b 0x18cefbd 0x18ed247 0xa3561 0xa4a92 0xa5e39 0xad45d 0x18ef453 0x18ef164 0x9bb79 0x9b018 0x1e61e7c 0x1e61a16 0x1e61925 0x9accb 0x9cbff 0x9d657 0x9e021 0x18ef453 0x18ef164 0x8c850 0x8a955 0x18ef453 0x18ef164 0x197ba31 0x254b53f 0x255d014 0x254e2e8 0x254e450 0x91453e72 0x9143bd2a) libc++abi.dylib:终止称为抛出异常(lldb)
尝试弄乱 keyPaths ,我只是无处可去。谢谢!